Part 7: So what now?

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I didn't want to fight Law again, but I was still pretty pissed. What was the point of that? Get all romantic, suck my dick and leave me to go do who knows what in the jungle? Arrogant little bitch, was he doing this on purpose just to make fun of my feelings for him?

Running away again would be a dumb and dangerous decision. I can simply ignore Law until I recover enough to build myself a boat and leave this fucking island.

Even if I currently want to punch his face, I can't help it but to replay the scene in my head. Law kneeling between my legs with my whole length inside his mouth- the slightest mention of it inside my head makes me hard as rock. I can't say I hate him, because that wouldn't be true. Frustration, humiliation and betrayal are the right words.

I might sound like a teenage girl, but a hug after that would've been appreciated. I want him to love me and treat me like his partner, although he probably doesn't feel that way. Now, I feel like my body was a one time use.

Complaining won't lead me anywhere, ignoring him neither. I should probably confront him about it and stop acting like a pussy already.

I walk through the woods and try to locate him.   I thought I heard him nearby but turns out it was a dumb snake. I continue walking for a good hour until I spot him chopping down a tiny tree.

Eustass-ya? What are you doing here?

Is that even a fucking question? Why would you leave me like that?

He turns around and smiles at me.

We need fire wood.

I'm going to punch this man.

Tell me, am I even worth something to your eyes? Or am I just a toy for your own pleasure?

I look him into the eyes and wait for a reply. He walks closer to me and drops his tool on the moss.

Didn't you enjoy it earlier? Why would you think that I'm using you?

Well maybe leaving so quick wasn't the best idea.

Law places his hand on my shoulder and chuckles.

Who knew that my rival could be in love with me, hehe.I apologize for that, Eustass-ya. I just... didn't know how to react. It's new and everything went so fast, I wasn't sure how to deal with it. I love you, I really do. I promise you it's not just for sex or your body. I want you to travel across the Grand Line with me.

Who said I was going to travel with yo-

He silences me with a kiss and I have no other option then to melt into it. This time, my mind is not filled with lust and suggestives thoughts. The warm feeling of love is slowly pouring into my veins, instead of making my heart beat like crazy. I simply relax into the kiss, enjoying his pleasant touch.

Finally, we both stop and gasp for air. I witness his smiling face, without his dumb amused grin this time. A wholesome expression is stuck on his lips. God I would pay millions of berries just to see him like that everyday.

We should quit fighting already, we aren't rivals anymore.

We aren't? I'd never imagine I could be something else than enemies with that guy. Joy warms up my heart as I think about it. What will our future look like? It would be complicated and heartbreaking to stay away from him for months, even years if we take different paths in the New World. I doubt our crews would be happy to create an alliance. Even worse, they would probably go nuts if they discover Law and I are a thing.

Keeping our relationship secret will be complicated when we'll be back on our ships, Law.

So what? We're captains, just get some earplugs for your crew mates.

My face turns crimson red at his remark.

Shu-Shut up! We don't even know when we'll be able to see them anyways.

Speaking of this, I found a transponder snail on the beach earlier. It probably washed up here this morning.

Well, that's a relief.

After a few minutes of trying to make the thing work, we managed to contact Law's crew. The conversation was absolutely chaotic, the only thing we could hear was one of the crew member crying and apologizing to Law for various reasons. His name was Bepo, if I remember correctly. Anyways, they figured out our location and now we have 2 days before they arrive.

Law is peacefully resting on the grass, arms crossed behind his head and eyes hidden by his hat to avoid the sun. I approach and lay next to him, closing my eyes to enjoy this calm moment.



I know the first time was rushed and kinda ruined but.. would you mind trying again someday?

Try what? I don't understand.

Law points under my belt and I chuckle.

Who could refuse such an amazing offer, of course.

Law moves his body closer to mine and rests his head on my chest. We both fall asleep under the sun, enjoying each other's company.

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