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"Where in Pyrriah is he?!" Kestrel hissed, smoke writhing from her nostrils.

Four eggs sat close to each other within a small nest, but there was clearly an empty spot for one last egg. It was nearing the Brightest Night, and all of the Talons of Peace were on edge. They'd already lost one of their members, Asha, after retrieving the Mudwing egg, and it had been extremely difficult getting the others.

Now all they needed was a Skywing egg, and the prophecy would be complete.

Dune stood near the eggs, as if protecting them from some unseen threat. Webs paced anxiously nearby while Kestrel practically boiled with rage. Hvitur was sent to get the Skywing egg, but he was taking an awfully long time. What if something had happened to him or the egg?

As if on cue, the sound of claws tapping against the stone floor was heard, alerting the dragons. The Icewing emerged, looking frazzled and with a few slashes across his scales. In his arm he carried an egg, but it wasn't a Skywing egg.

"Why don't you have a Skywing egg Hvitur?!" Webs cried, looking at the egg he held. It was smooth with a blue and white gradient, nothing like a Skywing egg.

Hvitur barely reacted, carrying the egg over to the circle and placing it in the empty spot. "Burn was seen prowling around the Sky Palace, I would've been killed if I tried to get a Skywing egg!" He responded, waving his tail at the egg, which was slightly bigger than the Mudwing egg. "This was the best option."

"I guess you're right. At least you didn't get a Rainwing egg, stupid fruit eaters.." Kestrel muttered, looking at the Icewing egg. Dune and Webs didn't react verbally, instead keeping their thoughts about the Icewing egg to themselves.

All of the Talons of Peace collectively agreed that an Icewing egg was better than being one dragon short of the prophecy. As the days neared the Brightest Night, they felt more at ease knowing they had the eggs needed for the prophecy to be fulfilled, even if it wasn't a Skywing egg.

Eventually the Brightest Night arrived, and the familiar sound of an egg cracking was heard. Webs, Hvitur, Dune, and Kestrel hurried into the hatchery where the eggs were kept. Both the Mudwing egg and the Icewing egg were hatching at the same time.

Hvitur drew closer to the hatching eggs, his talons shaking with both excitement and nervousness. The Icewing dragonet emerged fully first, followed by the Mudwing. The small Icewing had a light blue hue to his scales, with all of the traditional spikes of an Icewing. The Mudwing had orange and brown scales with bright yellow eyes and a heavyset frame.

"They're.. actually a lot cuter than I thought they would be." Dune noted, looking at the tiny dragonets. The Icewing dragonet let out a high-pitched chirp at the Mudwing, as if saying something. The Mudwing replied with a deeper chirp, his tiny talons scrambling at the floor of the nest.

"What in Pyrriah are they doing?" Kestrel asked.

Hvitur turned to Kestrel, the scars having healed on his body from the journey only a few days ago. "Icewing dragonets will do that to communicate with their siblings if they hatch at the same time as them. Something not a lot of dragons know is that Icewings actually have bonds like Mudwings have when they're young. It usually starts to fade when they get older."

The high-pitched chirp was heard again, turning the guardians attention back to the dragonets. The Seawing and Nightwing eggs were beginning to hatch, which had prompted the Icewing and Mudwing to start clawing and pulling off the shards of the eggshells off of the dragonets. The Mudwing let out a tiny growling sound as he jumped up on the egg near the Seawing's head.

"What is he doing? He's trying to kill them!" Webs shouted, lunging forward to try and grab the Mudwing dragonet, but was stopped by Hvitur. "No! It's completely normal for them to do this! The first thing Mudwing and Icewing siblings do is trying to help break the shell of dragonets they consider siblings!"

Webs stopped and looked over at Kestrel and Dune, who were looking at Hvitur. They once again turned back to the dragonets, this time the Seawing was completely out of her shell, shaking and sneezing as she rubbed her snout. The Icewing was still clawing and pulling at the Nightwing egg.

"Well, what should we name them?" Webs said, looking over the dragonets. Eventually all of them had hatched, the Sandwing being the last of them to hatch, her scales a bright gold color.

"How about Clay for the Mudwing?" Kestrel suggested. "That sounds good. Let's see, Tsunami for the Seawing.." Webs murmured, pointing his webbed talon at the blue dragonet, who looked at him and let out a little roar.

"Sunny for the Sandwing. Her scales look like the sun." Dune said, looking over at the small Sandwing dragonet. "What about the Nightwing and Icewing?"

Webs shrugged, looking over at Hvitur. "Hvitur? Any suggestions?"

Hvitur thought for a moment, looking over at the small Nightwing and Icewing dragonets, who were talking to each other with strange little sounds. He'd never seen two dragonets of enemy tribes get along so well.

After a few moments of thinking, Hvitur got an idea. "How about Starflight for the Nightwing?"

"Sounds like a Nightwing name." Dune shrugged, still looking at the dragonets. "What about the Icewing?"

Hvitur looked at the Icewing again. He'd noticed that the Icewing was a bit bigger than what normal Icewing dragonets were when they hatched, and seemed to have more spikes than any Icewing Hvitur had seen. He also seemed to have a fierce look to him, like he was ready for any challenge.

"Wolverine. He has a fierce and strong look to him, like the Skywing would've been," Hvitur said. "In fact, I think he'll be even better than any other dragonet that could've been here."

And so it was. Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, Starflight, and Wolverine. Five dragonets born to stop the war, and bring peace to Pyrriah once again.

[Word Count: 1033]

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