Chapter Eight

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Wolverine let out a low groan, rubbing his snout after it had been tugged on so many times by the soldiers. Currently he and the other dragonets were in a cell instead of on the pillars surrounding the arena. 

"I don't understand why Peril betrayed us." Clay said quietly, looking out the small, barred window. "Seriously? She doesn't want to lose you, and she doesn't really care about me or the others. She only cares about keeping you around!" Tsunami responded.

"She's never had friends before! I wanted to try to be a nice dragon to her for once!" Clay argued. "Both of you stop! We can't be turning on each other in such a desperate situation!" Wolverine snapped, glaring at the two of them. 

"Wolverine's right. We have to stick with each other, especially when all of us are at risk of dying!" Starflight agreed, walking over to Wolverine and standing beside him. Clay and Tsunami glanced at each other and them, before nodding. 

"You're right. I don't know how today will go, but we have to stick with each other no matter what." Tsunami said, her blue eyes glowing with protectiveness. Eventually the four of them drifted off for a little bit of sleep, before they were rudely awoken by the guards.

Wolverine's heart was practically pounding out of his chest as he and the others were flown to the arena, spectators already starting to arrive. To his horror, the guards were taking Wolverine a different direction than the others, instead him being flown through the palace and into what seemed to be a dungeon with a long tunnel leading out of it. 

"You're up first, Icewing." The soldier said gruffly from beside him as they set him down and made sure his neck chain and muzzle were secure. He dug his talons into the stone of the tunnel and let out a low growl, trying to remember what he'd learned from the numerous training sessions with Kestrel. Even the Skywing herself admitted that his strength was comparable to Tsunami's perhaps even stronger than hers. 

The soldiers began to walk Wolverine down the tunnel, struggling a bit as Wolverine also struggled in their grasp. Slowly he could hear the loud cheering of the audience, and the booming voice of Queen Scarlet. 

"Fellow dragons! Visiting Mudwings! Loyal Skywings! Honored Sandwing guests, welcome to an especially thrilling day here in the arena!" Scarlet announced as the crowd roared excitedly. "But before we begin, allow me to welcome our honored guest and ally, Queen Burn!"

Wolverine could start to see the sunlight of the entrance to the arena. "To begin today's events, we have a supposed Dragonet of Destiny fighting first! And this dragon wasn't even meant to be part of the prophecy!"


Wolverine fully entered the arena, growling and pulling at the chains that the two soldiers held. The crowd erupted in cheers at the sight of the Icewing. 

"It's really them! The Dragonets of Destiny!" 

"Oh he looks terrifying! Definitely wouldn't want to be the dragon fighting him."

"Did you hear them singing last night?"


"As for his opponent, some of you may remember a certain Seawing he refused to fight a few months ago," The crowd started booing and hissing at the mention of this supposed Seawing. "Now what is the best way to punish a Seawing?"



"Take away their water. All their water for months," Scarlet responded, hissing on the last word. "Dehydrated, mentally unstable and ready to fight, IT'S GILL OF THE SEAWINGS!"

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