Chapter One

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"Come on! I know you're better than this!" Kestrel hissed at the light blue tinted Icewing. "You're an Icewing, one of the most dangerous dragons to Pyrriah for crying out loud! Now show me that you are!" 

The Icewing hissed quietly, lunging at the Skywing and slashing his serrated claws at her chest. Kestrel hissed, swatting the dragonet away. He stumbled back, his tail lashing back and forth as he tried to come up with a plan. 

He let out a small roar, running and jumping sideways on the wall and onto Kestrel's back, digging his talons into her scales. She let out growl of pain and started shaking her body in an attempt to get him off. It took quite a bit of effort, since he was holding on tightly, but eventually he was thrown off. 

"I forget how strong those talons you Icewings have are," Kestrel muttered, rubbing gingerly at the marks on her chest and back. "You had a decent strategy, but you need to use that frostbreath more often." She added, a small hiss following her sentence. 

Wolverine shook his head, coughing slightly and getting up. "I guess I was trying to find better timing for it." 

Kestrel shook her head. "Timing isn't that important during a battle. What's important is surviving. But I will admit, with a dragon who's as good at fighting as you are, I'm pretty sure you'll make it just fine." 

They always talk about his supposed battle, but when's it actually going to happen? They've always been vague about it, but hopefully they won't be soon. Wolverine thought, checking himself for injuries. 

"You're dismissed for today. Next time we're going to work more on the frostbreath. I'd recommend practicing it a bit beforehand, got it?" Kestrel told him. Wolverine nodded before walking out of the cave. 

The distant sound of the river rushing by the cave had been a sound Wolverine had heard his entire life. But he always knew this wasn't where he was supposed to be. Through Hvitur's teachings and personal stories, he actually belonged in the snow of the Ice Kingdom, not a cave hidden beneath the mountains. 

But he knew that he couldn't leave. Not only because the only way to leave was blocked by a giant boulder, but that he had a destiny he needed to fulfill before he went home. He and the other dragonets he was raised with were destined to end the War of Sandwing Sucession. 

"Seems like you survived Kestrel today, Wolverine," He looked over to the Seawing, Tsunami. "Was she feeling like picking on a not-Skywing today?" 

"Nope, surprisingly," Wolverine responded. "What'd Hvitur and Webs teach about today?" 

"More review about the War of Sandwing Sucession. Those two can't get enough of it apparently." Tsunami replied, rolling her eyes. 

"Wellll it is the entire reason why we're stuck under a mountain instead of back home in our tribes." Wolverine pointed out, chuckling slightly. 

"Life would be so much better if I were back home in the sea, rather than having a river as my only way to swim." Tsunami grumbled, her bioluminescent scales flashing slightly for some reason. 

"I wonder what the Ice Kingdom is like.." Wolverine murmured, looking around the cave, imagining a land covered in snow and glaciers. "Probably cold!" Tsunami jabbed, shoving him playfully. 

Wolverine snorted and shoved her back, laughing slightly. The sound of moos was heard from one of the main caverns, alerting Wolverine and Tsunami. "Sounds like dinner! Race you!" Tsunami called, darting away. Wolverine sped up behind her. "Hey!" 

Wolverine followed Tsunami into the cavern where the rest of the dragonets were. Dragons that he considered his friends and family. "Wolverine! Look what I caught!" Sunny greeted cheerfully, her bright yellow scales almost glowing in the light of the torches. She held a fairly good sized lizard in one of her hands, practically beaming. 

"I found it in one of the cavern openings and pretended it was an intruder without wings. It didn't stand a chance!" She raised her wings up in an attempt to look threatening. Wolverine held back his laughter, smiling at the Sandwing. "That's awesome, Sunny! The only thing I caught was Kestrel's bad attitude." 

"Glad I didn't have her today.." Starflight murmured, looking up from the scroll he was reading. Starflight had to be the dragon that Wolverine was closest with, ever since they were little and despite the fact that Nightwings and Icewings supposedly hated each other outside of the cave. 

"You can take one of the cows, Wolverine. I'm already stuffed. But I can finish it if you can't!" Clay said as he wiped away some spare flecks from his mouth. Wolverine smiled. "Thanks Clay. I'll definetely share if I need to." 

Wolverine took the cow and killed it quickly, almost devouring it instantly. "Geez, didn't know you were that hungry." Starflight commented, a surprised look on his face. "Neither did I." Wolverine responded, pushing away the parts he didn't eat to Clay, who happily finished them. 

"We should probably study some more tonight." Starflight said, turning his attention to the map of Pyrriah that hung on the wall. 

"Let me guess, more about the War of Sandwing Secession?" Tsunami muttered. "How fun."

"Well, why don't we act it out then?" Sunny chirped. 

"Good idea Sunny! Should we do the roles that we normally are?" Wolverine responded, stroking his chin with his talon. 

Starflight was the only one who didn't seem on board with this idea. "This isn't real studying! C'mon Wolverine, they'll just make me play Blaze again, who's probably the dumbest dragon in all of Pyrriah!"

"Starflight, it's all in good fun! Plus it's a way to make something we've learned about over and over more entertaining!" Wolverine explained. "Also it is really funny to see you act out as Blaze." He added. 

Starflight gave him an annoyed look that was followed by the laughter of the others. Eventually Starflight couldn't help but chuckle as well. 

After the laughter had quieted down, it was met with a small period of silence, which was ended by Wolverine. "Y'know what? I'll play Blaze this time. I probably wasn't that good as Blister last time anyways." 

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