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The Dragonets of Destiny, along with Glory had been flying for a few days towards the Ice Kingdom, which had resulted in Wolverine's wings ending up incredibly sore. Thankfully they found pitstops along the way on small islands that were scattered throughout the sea. 

Tonight, they had found a spot on an island that had a perfect view of the three moons with the distant peaks of the Ice Kingdom beginning to become clearer with just enough room for all of the dragonets. 

Wolverine had tried to fall asleep, but for some reason he was restless. Perhaps it was because of the view of the mountain peaks, telling him that he was almost home. And that home just happened to be in the palace of the said kingdom with the Queen as his mother. 

My mother, Wolverine thought. He never thought that he would ever hear that phrase spoken in his life. But somehow it had been spoken, and that mother turned out to the be the Queen. 

His running thoughts made him open one eye, looking around. He noticed that Starflight was awake, staring at the three moons as they shined brightly, reflecting onto the ocean. He lifted up his head, opening both of his eyes and walked over to the Nightwing, settling down beside him. 

"Nice night, huh?" Wolverine noted, looking up at the billions of stars that danced around in the night sky. "It really is. Sleep is hard to get with the prophecy and such, isn't it?" Starflight responded, chuckling softly. 

"Tell me about it." Wolverine replied, shifting closer to Starflight. A blanket of silence fell as they admired the view, until Starflight broke it. 

"Do you think I'll ever fit in with the prophecy? I mean, I don't have any powers like Nightwings are supposed to, and I'm a terrible fighter. Am I really meant to save Pyrriah?" Starflight asked, his voice getting small. 

Wolverine shook his head, wrapping his wing around Starflight. "You do fit in with the prophecy, Starflight. You're smart, clever, kind.. you're the type that dragons want to be saving the world," He affirmed, his icey blue eyes glowing in the dark as he took the Nightwings front talons in his. "And I won't let you do it alone. I'll do it with you, no matter what." 

Starflight smiled up at him, a sight that Wolverine loved. "Thank you." He murmured softly, pressing his forehead against his. Their tails intertwined loosely because of Wolverine's spikes as they slowly drifted off, close together. 

Wolverine could see a future that was bright, a future where he and Starflight could be safe and happy. And he knew that it would be a reality soon, since he would make it be a reality no matter what.

[a/n:  I hope you enjoyed this story as much I did! I'll be writing a sequel as soon as I can, which will probably be out very soon! Thank you for reading!]

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