Chapter Five

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Wolverine felt he had been asleep for years. But he was finally waking up after who knows how long. But he wasn't greeted by the familiar stone walls of the cave. Instead he was greeted by the bright sun shining from the corner of his eye. 

He groaned quietly, his body stiff and sore. He suddenly realized that he was on a tall pillar, surrounding some sort of area. There were multiple pillars all around him, all with other dragons on them. He tried to stretch his wings, but found that they wouldn't open. Looking behind him, he noticed two pieces of metal locking his wings shut and connected to a long chain. 

Wolverine also noticed that his legs were all chained to the pillar and had the same long chain that the lock on his wings had. Every single dragon had these chains, and they were all connected with the same long chain. Slowly the memories of what happened before he got knocked out came back, making him shudder. 

He was in the Sky Kingdom, and he was a prisoner. 

He looked around for his friends, and spotted Clay, Tsunami, and Starflight all on their own pillars. But there was no Sunny. Where is she? Is she safe? Did she manage to escape?

"Hey, you're awake! I was wondering when you'd be. Here, I brought you some food." A voice suddenly interrupted Wolverine's thoughts, followed by a slightly burned fox being dropped in front of him. He looked up to see a Skywing flying in front of his pillar, her scales glowing a bright crimson and yellow shade, along with her bright blue eyes. 

"Erm.. thanks?" Wolverine said, unsure of what to say. He stared at the fox in front of him, not feeling super hungry. "Are you gonna eat it or not?" The dragon asked, a spark of curiosity in her voice. 

"Maybe.." Wolverine replied, still unsure of this Skywing. "Who are you?"

"Oh, my bad, I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Peril, Queen Scarlet's champion! I hope you eat that fox soon, because I don't want you to die before I kill you!" Peril introduced, a bright look on her face. 

"What?" Wolverine asked, shocked by her words. "You're going to kill me?" 

"Well, yeah. Her majesty has prisoners fight in the arena down there for entertainment. If they win enough fights, they go free. But nobody has gone free before." Peril explained, pointing her tail at the arena. 

"Why not?" Wolverine asked, fear starting to rise inside of him. "Well, because of me of course! After a few fights, Queen Scarlet sends me in, and I always win. Yes, that does result me killing them. I'm really dangerous," Peril explained. "Also, I don't think you've told me your name yet, who are you?" 

"Wolverine." He responded, still in a bit of shock at her words. "Oooh, that sounds like a fierce name! I bet you'll be good in the arena, whenever Queen Scarlet sends you in." Peril said. Wolverine felt a little better after hearing those words, but he still felt uneasy. 

Reluctantly, Wolverine ate the fox. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be, even with the burnt parts. Would've preferred fish or something else though...

The sound of dragons speaking to one another increasingly grew louder, prompting Peril to turn her attention away from Wolverine. "The battle is about to start for today! I'll try and talk to later, if you want!" Peril called as she flew off. 

Wolverine peered his head over the edge of the pillar, feeling slightly dizzy at just how high he really was. There was an uproar of cheers as Queen Scarlet emerged, her rubies glowing in the sunlight. "WELCOME TO TODAY'S BATTLE!" She roared, followed by the roaring of the spectators. 

"Bring in the combatants!" Scarlet commanded, the cheering growing louder as Peril emerged from one of the tunnels within the arena. A Sandwing was taken from one of the pillars near a dragon who appeared to be Clay, but Wolverine wasn't really sure. He was silent for most of the fly down to the arena and was placed down on the sand floor. 

I don't know if I want to see this or not, but it might be a good idea for me to so I can know how Peril fights. Wolverine thought, watching as the two dragons met each other in the middle of the arena. 

"After four victories, Horizon the Sandwing, formely and unwisely, a soldier in Blaze's army, has been challenged to a fight with her Majesty's champion, Peril!" A Skywing soldier announced, not too far from Scarlet. 

He's massive! But he looks terrified of her! Wolverine thought, observing the Sandwing's terrified expression. 

"Claws up.. fire ready! FIGHT!" Scarlet roared. Perils scales started to glow even brighter than any Skywing scales Wolverine had seen. It almost looked like fire was radiating off of her! 

The Sandwing immediately turned and started running in the opposite direction, which prompted Peril to lift up and swoop in front of him, her scales glowing even brighter. He whipped his poisonous barb towards her, and she simply slashed his tail, igniting it with fire almost instantly. 

He let out roar of agony, stumbling backwards. What?! Does she have fire in her talons? Wolverine thought, shock pulsing though his body. 

The Sandwing scrambled backwards into the wall of the arena, Peril closing in on him. She touched his wing, causing a patch of fire to ignite and him to roar out again in agony. His dark eyes glowed with fear, before he suddenly lunged forward and landed on top of Peril, his entire body burning as he was engulfed by the flames that radiated off of her scales. 

Peril pushed the burning corpse off of her, staring at the charred body as it still burned. "Well that was boring. Hopefully tomorrow one of you will try to amuse me! TODAY'S BATTLES ARE OVER!" Scarlet declared. 

Wolverine felt like he was completely frozen. Now he could understand why no dragon went free after fighting enough battles, especially not with a dragon like Peril. He shuddered again. 

Was he going to end up like Horizon the Sandwing? 

Was he going to end up dead?

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