Chapter Three

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"Dragonets! Get your lazy tails in here before I burn you all alive!" Kestrel shouted from outside of the cavern. The dragonets quickly left the sleeping cavern and entered into the main cavern. "He's here!" Webs whispered nervously, looking up at the entrance. 

Up near the entrance, the largest Nightwing Wolverine had ever seen was flying down to the floor of the cavern, Dune making his way down the ramp that had been built after he sustained his injuries. 

The Nightwing finally landed, looking over both the guardians and the dragonets. Wolverine desperately tried to contain any thoughts that might bring up questions from being thought, otherwise this Nightwing could read them. 

"So these are the supposed Dragonets of Destiny?" He finally spoke, his voice deep and booming, almost enough to make Wolverine's scales shake. Morrowseer turned his head and looked right at Wolverine, causing him to be even more terrified. 

"Why is there that instead of a Skywing?" He asked icily, looking over at the guardians. 

Hvitur sighed, looking away from Morrowseer. "I couldn't get the Skywing egg, so I improvised and stole an Icewing egg-"

"THE PROPHECY CALLS FOR A SKYWING YOU BRAINLESS SALAMANDER!" Morrowseer roared, silencing all of the dragons. It was interrupted by Clay letting out a loud roar and pouncing on the Nightwing. Tsunami followed behind, attacking him as well. 

Wolverine darted behind the massive Nightwing to his tail, remembering what Kestrel had told him. Practice using your frostbreath beforehand.. I'll practice it now and show you!

He opened his mouth and blasted the Nightwing's tail, causing him to hiss out in surprise, swatting Wolverine away and making him stumble. Morrowseer glared at him before looking back at the other dragonets, shaking off Sunny who had bitten his front leg. 

"The Mudwing and Seawing will do fine," He said, pointing at Clay and Tsunami. "We'll see about the Sandwing and Icewing, and talk about them in private." He finished, glaring first at Sunny and Wolverine, then at the guardians. 

"You all are dismissed. Go back to your sleeping caverns, except Starflight," Kestrel spoke after Morrowseer had finished. "Morrowseer wants you in on some of the information we'll be discussing about." 

Wolverine gave Starflight a worried look, but he knew that making Kestrel angry would just make the situation worse. Starflight gave him a sad smile before following the guardians into the cave. Wolverine sighed and turned around, following the others to the sleeping cavern. 

"Why in Pyrriah would Morrowseer want Starflight to be in on what him and the guardians are talking about?" Clay asked, confusion covering his face. "I'm not sure, but he didn't seem too happy about Wolverine or Sunny." 

Sunny gave the others a scared and worried look, but tried to be optimistic. "Maybe it's something good?" She said, trying to sound cheerful. It didn't really work. 

"We have to figure out what they're talking about. And why Starflight is part of it." Wolverine urged. Tsunami and Clay both nodded. "I'll try and find a way to listen in-" 

She was interrupted by Starflight walking back into the sleeping cavern, head hung low in shame. Wolverine hurried over to him, worry on his face. "Are you alright? What did Morrowseer say?" 

"He doesn't want me to talk about it," Starflight responded, tail dragging against the ground as he got into his sleeping bunk. "He said that you would work, but he only said that he'd take care of the Sandwing." 

"W-What does he mean by that-?" Sunny asked, fear in her voice. Wolverine felt his scales grow even colder than they were before. 

Starflight shook his head, resting it on his favorite scroll. He must be really upset then. What's Morrowseer planning? And why is Sunny involved in it?

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