Chapter Six

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Wolverine didn't sleep very well. Constant nightmares kept him awake for most of the night, but eventually he did fall asleep. But soon the little sleep he got was interrupted by being awoken by Skywing soldiers. 

"Private audience with the Queen." The red one said gruffly. Wolverine didn't protest, not wanting to get hurt. As they flew, they passed two guards who were struggling to get Tsunami to the Queen. Typical Tsunami.

They flew in silence and eventually entered a part of the palace that was where the prisoners were held. Wolverine immediately noticed that Kestrel was in one of the cells. She appeared to notice him but looked away quickly.

Eventually they reached a sort of throne room and threw Wolverine inside. He let out a low growl before noticing that Starflight was in there as well as Clay, the two of them bowing in front of Queen Scarlet, who was sitting on a stone throne carved to look like a cloud. 

Wolverine noticed a stone tree sitting beside the throne with a dragon sleeping on it. He recognized the dragon as a Rainwing, the species that the guardians constantly called 'lazy fruit eaters'. 

"How nice, a dragon who actually knows some manners." Scarlet hissed. Wolverine stayed quiet, not wanting to provoke the Skywing Queen. 

"Uh, your majesty? Why do you have a dragon sleeping beside your throne?" Starflight asked, trying to sound respectful. "Oh this?" Scarlet said, motioning her hand at the Rainwing. "It's my art! Clueless little thing wandered right into the territory, I knew it would be perfect to put on display!"

That's a dragon, not a piece of art. Wolverine thought, but didn't say anything. "You know, in my opinion, I don't want this war to end. It gives me plenty of prisoners for the arena and distracts any dragon who wants to challenge me. It's saved me a lot of trouble."

"So it's okay that innocent dragons have died all across Pyrriah?" Tsunami snarled. "Well, what do you know, Seawing? Have you witnessed war for yourself?" Scarlet asked icily, glaring at her. 

"Not really, but we've learned about it, and know that's horrible! Innocent dragons are hurting and dying!" Tsunami snapped.

"It's easy to say war is awful, but it's even more difficult to solve our problems without one," Scarlet explained. "Who do you think the next Sandwing Queen should be? Burn, Blister, or Blaze? I bet it would be thrilling to hear what you've learned in your little mountain cave." 

"We- we haven't decided yet. We were never taught who we needed to choose in order to save Pyrriah." Tsunami responded. Scarlet snorted, shaking her head. "How pathetic. Yet you all were so desperate to escape? Please. You wouldn't survive out in the real world of Pyrriah with that prophecy of yours."

"Do you know what happened to all of the Skywing eggs who were supposed to hatch on the Brightest Night?" Scarlet asked, her voice lowering to almost a whisper. "I won't get into details, but it was very sad and tragic." 

Wolverine shuddered slightly, remembering what the guardians had told him. That innocent dragonets were killed before they even got to see the light of day. "Uh, your majesty, I have a question." Clay said, standing up. 

"Where's Sunny, is she alright?" Clay asked. Scarlet chuckled, a sinister smile on her face. "Oh, the little stunted Sandwing? I think Burn will absolutely love her. She loves collecting curiosities, her collection is quite terrifying. Two-headed lizards, dragon hands with multiple talons, stuffed scavengers with weird pale skin.. your little friend will fit in just right." 

"You can't give her to Burn!" Tsunami yelled. "Oh, I can do whatever I want, Seawing. Tomorrow is my hatching day, which means a thrillingly bloody day in the arena. But I do want to see one of you fight today, and see if you survive. But the question is, who? The Nightwing?"

"ME!" Wolverine, Tsunami, and Clay all said in unison. "Oh, I love the enthusiasm!" Scarlet said, clapping her hands together. "Wolverine, you can't fight. Neither of you can." Tsunami said strictly, looking at the Icewing and Mudwing. 

"If I can't fight, then maybe Clay can. He'd probably be more exciting than another Seawing. But we can't let Starflight, he won't stand a chance!" Wolverine whispered, looking over at Starflight. He didn't protest against Wolverine's words.

"Looks like you've made a decision! Guards! Take these three away," Scarlet commanded, pointing at Wolverine, Tsunami, and Starflight. "As for him, prepare him for the arena." She pointed at Clay. 

Wolverine was taken away by two different guards that had taken him to Queen Scarlet. They once again flew in silence, him looking around for any sight of Clay. It was only when he was brought back to his pillar and chained back up that he properly saw him. He was down in the arena, along with an Icewing. 

A dragon of my own tribe, fighting against one of my best friends.

"After last month's battle with Blaze's army, my dungeons were packed full of new Icewing prisoners of war! However, only five have survived. With two wins under his wings, I give you Fjord of the Icewings!" 

"And his opponent: I'm sure a legendary Dragonet of Destiny could easily defeat an Icewing, don't you think Clay of the Mudwings?" Scarlet declared, chuckling quietly. The uproar of the crowd nearly caused Wolverine to fall off the pillar. 

He clutched tighter to the pillar, fear pulsing through him as he watched Clay intently. "Claws up.. talons ready! FIGHT!" 

Fjord started to go towards Clay, the Mudwing appearing to be.. talking to his opponent. Three moons Clay, I get you don't like fighting, but now isn't the time! Wolverine thought. Fjord suddenly opened his mouth and blasted a spout of frostbreath at him, nearly missing his wing. 

Wolverine dug his claws into the wood of the pillar, his anxiety spiking. Clay managed to get away, but now Fjord was preparing to hit him again with frostbreath. Clay suddenly blasted out a spurt of fire at his mouth, causing him to hiss in pain. The crowd cheered, getting more excited. 

Clay lunged forward and knocked Fjord over, pinning him down. C'mon Clay, you have to! Wolverine thought. You have to kill him so you survive!

Clay suddenly said something, and Fjord managed to kick him off, pinning him down and tightening his grip on Clay's throat. Wolverine sucked in a sharp breath, fear nearly bubbling out of him. 

He suddenly felt a pull on his chain as Tsunami tried desperately to get down to the arena. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!" She roared, the other prisoners yelling for her to stop so they wouldn't fall. Fjord managed to get distracted, and his grip seemed to loosen on Clay's throat. 

Tic. Tic. Tic

Three very faint, yet noticeable sounds were heard, alerting Wolverine. Three black droplets were suddenly in the air, and landed on Fjord's scale, one landing directly in his eye. He let out a horrifying scream of agony, clawing desperately at the black liquid, which seemed to be incinerating his scales. 

"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!" Fjord screamed out, before he finally fell to the arena floor, dead. The crowd cheered loudly as Clay was carried back to his pillar, a look of surprise and confusion on his face. The liquid hadn't come from him, but where could it have come from? 

More importantly, did somebody do it?

"Today's battles are over! I hope you all come tomorrow, because it's going to be absolutely thrilling on my hatching day!" Queen Scarlet announced, a sinister smile on her face. 

Wolverine shuddered as he watched Queen Scarlet leave, knowing what was to happen tomorrow. Either he and the others would survive, or they would die a gruesome and terrible death in the arena. 

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