Chapter Four

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The flapping suddenly stopped, confusing the dragonets. Until the boulder was heard being moved again, allowing the morning sun to shine in. Wolverine hid his face with his wing in an attempt to get the sun out of his eyes. However, when he moved his wing away, the sunlight was blocked by another dragon. 

A tall, large Skywing blocked the light, her scales covered in shimmering rubies as a group of what appeared to be Skywing soldiers stood behind her. Wolverine sucked in a sharp breath. Queen Scarlet, the Queen of the Skywings! Why is she here!?

"How thrilling, I get to see the little Mudwing and Seawing again." She said, chuckling. Her voice was slick and cold, like a snake. "You followed us!" Tsunami snarled, her wings unfurling. 

"Oh, I didn't follow you. I just happened to find a lovely smoke signal that led me to you. How helpful!" She responded darkly, her yellow eyes glowing with malice. 

"Who are you?!" Sunny cried, fear in her voice. Scarlet snorted, spreading her wings. "Now this is getting insulting. You're in my territory and you dare to not recognize me? Queen Scarlet of the Skywings?"

Starflight dropped to the ground in a bowing position. "Oooh, a Nightwing! You'll be absolutely thrilling in my arena!"

Arena?! What?!

"Now, tell me why there are Mudwing, Seawing, Sandwing, Nightwing, and Icewing dragonets all underneath a mountain in my territory? This couldn't have to do with a certain prophecy, would it?" Scarlet sneered, looking down on the dragonets.

"I thought we told you dragonets to be aslee-" Dune was cut off by the sight of the Skywing queen and soldiers. "WEBS! HVITUR! KESTREL!" 

"Kestrel is here too? What a lovely reunion. All the dragons I hate in one place! Thrilling!" Scarlet growled upon seeing Dune. She grabbed the Sandwing by the throat, who growled at her. "You can't have them! They're the Dragonets of Destiny!"

"What if it's my destiny to play with them?" Scarlet hissed, snapping Dune's neck. The Sandwing couldn't even react before he fell to the ground, dead. "DUNE!" Sunny shrieked, tears streaming down her face. 

"Enough, Scarlet. Leave these worthless dragonets alone," Kestrel said, walking past a terrified Hvitur and Webs. "Take me instead."

"Well isn't it Kestrel? The dragon who betrayed me and my kingdom all those years ago?" Scarlet asked darkly, chuckling. "Yes, it is. These dragonets are useless to you anyways. Let them free and take me." She responded. 

"Of course I'm taking you with me. I have a thrilling trail planned for you. And an even more thrilling execution afterwards! As for these dragonets, they'll be perfect for my arena," Scarlet replied, turning her head and motioning towards the soldiers. "Don't let any escape!" She growled. 

A soldier lunged at Wolverine in an attempt to pin him, but he dodged the attack, raking his claws across their scales and hitting them with his tail. The soldier hissed before blasting fire at him, which he tried to blast away with his frostbreath. 

He'd never been more terrified in his life, he was watching the dragons he'd grown up with being attacked and chained up. Tsunami was snarling and attacking two soldiers who were trying to chain her up. Sunny was sobbing as she was dragged away from Dune's lifeless body. Starflight kept asking if he could bring scrolls. Hvitur was yelling for Webs to escape to the Talons, which he did, disappearing into the river. None of the soldiers went after him, since they knew they couldn't. 

Wolverine let out a loud roar, furiously slashing his talons at the soldier who was chaining him up. His snout was suddenly snapped shut, muting his shouts of apologies and protests. He could only watch helplessly as the others were chained up as well, completely powerless to stop their attackers. 

I'm sorry. I'm sorry-

Everything became blurry as he realized that there were tears beginning to form in his eyes. "Knock them out, it's time to fly." Scarlet commanded. The soldiers all said something in return, but Wolverine didn't hear it. In a last attempt, he tried to slash the soldier again. But that, and Scarlet's words were the last things he heard and did before everything went black. 

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