sequel : chapter 15

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    Part 2

| 2 years|

Regie's pov :

All of the stuff was set.

Myself and Darren got dressed and then dressed the boys.

"you ready baby?" I ask him.

"Yes, I am"

We put the boys in their car seats, ready to drive.

"you didn't tell me, where we're going" Dar says.

"Yes because it's a surprise"i tell him.

He puts on the radio and Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol comes on.

He sings, kinda gracefully asleast he knows the words.

I put my one hand in his thigh and he joins our hands.

The boys are talking or blabbering behind us to each other.

"i love you" I say as we turn in at the gardens.

"the gardens?" dar ask

"Yes" that's all I say, I pull up into a more sucluded area.

There's many families around us, everyone smiling and I stop.

We climb out the car, Darren takes the boys and sit with them at the small fireplace.

I take things out of the boot and puts it by us.

We spend the rest of the afternoon eating snacks and playing games.

It's now 5pm and we're ready to go home.

But first a little detour.

Now it's for the part...

I'm nervous but excited.

I hope he says yes.

Darren's pov :

Regie pulls up into a restaurant parking lot.

If this is the surprise, I'm going to cry.

He knows I'm going to be so excited because this is where we had our first date.

We had came too late for our reservation and we stayed in the car and ordered mcdonalds.

"What are we doing here?" The boys are out in the back.

They're probably tired of the day.

"Us time" he tells me.

"us time with the boys sleeping you mean" I say.

"Yes, us time"

There's a knock on my window.

I roll down the window.

It's McDonald's delivery.

"Delivery for Mr Maccalio" He says.

"oh that's Mr Maccalio" I tell the delivery guy.

"I'm pretty sure, you are" he tells me.

"what?" I turns to Regie.

I don't even notice Regie disrectly taking a ring out of his pocket.

"Regie just tell-"

"Will you marry me?"he asks interrupting me.

"what?" I am in shock.

I turns to the delivery guy and he just smiles.

"Will you marry me" Regie asks again.

I can feel myself tearing up, "of cause I will" I say.

I push my lips to his.

Kissing him deeply, I almost forget about the boys and my stomach I'm try to hide.

He puts the ring on my finger and the delivery congratulates us and walks away.

"i have a surprise aswell" I tell him.

"What?" he asks.

"I'm pregnant" I tell him.

Tears streaming down my face, I'm so happy.

"and it's a girl" I tell him.

"Fuck yes!!!" Regie shouts, kissing me.

"we're going to have a baby girl" he sings, big smile.

"Ready to go Mr Maccalio" Regie asks.

"I'm ready, Mr Maccalio" I tell him.

Then we drive home.

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