Chapter 5

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The rain has died down a few minutes ago, but the grounds are still muddy and soaked. I enjoy sitting under the transparent roof of the university's greenhouse while drawing or studying, but there is no greater joy than to be out in the grounds, studying movements as I transfer them all into stories in my sketchbook. My sketchbook is wide open as I add more details into the sketch for Taryn's dress.

She wants something soft and flowery - I suppose the greenhouses can help me find the inspiration. Despite the theme of the homecoming party being Nights of Royals, such opulent ballgowns would be such a hassle for the girls. Of course there would be a little waltz here and there, but a party includes such normalcy like alcohol and I believe the students rather have more fun instead of curtseying and displaying formalities to the nobles.

By nobles, I mean Cardan and his friends.

Our campus is big, and obviously, there are so many famous kids here and there. Most of them are known for their influences on social platforms, their participations in all programs held by the university and as well as their looks, charms and friendliness. Most people here are known by those traits - and somehow, quiet kids are quite the spotlight at one time. But, none of them are famous as the four jerks.

All of them are famous and respected for their kindness - if I'm not mistaken, all these famous people here have good and warm personalities. And then, there are Cardan, Valerian, Locke and Nicasia. They are only known - and somehow, respected by everyone - only because of their parents. Cardan's parents are both famous and respected business partners that have helped many people throughout the years. Locke's mother, who came from an ordinary family, unlike his deceased father who came from an old money, has pursued her ambition of becoming an artist. Her arts are being sold all around the world, put in such famous museums like Louvre in Paris.

And, Valerian's father is a great politician. Although politics has never ring a single bell of interest in me, I have read his father's biography for a school assignment - he's gloated, proud of his heritage, but somehow still received the lowest mark. A shame, I must say. His father has fought for so many people, promising them a better future. And by what I can remember from the thick biography, he is an excellent politician and I respect him for that.

And then, there's Nicasia's mother. Many said that the reason of Nicasia's flirtatious behavior is because she has never known her father. But, all I know about her mother is the woman is an activist, as well as a respected fashion designer. She has worked with so many people and most of Nicasia's outfits are from her brand - which means, let people be fascinated by what her daughter wears and they will visit her boutique to buy everything.

I have to admit, those dresses she wears are gorgeous. If only the price isn't so ridiculously expensive, I would've bought them as presents for myself.

And, I am still wondering how did their kids become bullies. But, it's hardly important for me. It feels great they are not trying to piss me off now. As long as they know how to keep their petty opinions to themselves, I don't have to butt into their business. I click my tongue at the beeping noise of my phone, checking Vivi's message. Of course, she's out of the town with Heather. I check the time and realize I only have ten minutes to run to my class. Wednesday. Evening class.

Seriously, I need to graduate quickly.

I speed up my steps as I enter the faculty building and run towards Professor Fierch's hall. As I enter the hall, Professor Fierch is not in sight. Only a few students have arrived from their recess. This is my favorite class because it is the only time I can see Taryn. I don't bother checking who are in the class as I march steadily to the front seat.

Teachers' pet, Jude Duarte. Always sitting in the front and raising hands to answer questions.

I put my bag and books on the table, arranging everything properly. As I move to take my seat, I hear screeching sound and as soon as I realize the void underneath me, I collapse and my back hit the small step in the lecture hall. I look up and find Valerian staring down at me with a smile filled with malice and eyes filled with hatred. Laughter erupts around me and I turn back to see Locke and Nicasia throwing their heads back as they laugh at me. Cardan sits on the empty chair behind me, his expression unreadable.

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