Chapter 8

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"So, final decision. Cardan will manage the budget. Jude, you will handle our materials and designs. And I will be drafting out the reports and finish the final parts!"

Cardan and I nod, instantly taking notes down. Taryn surprisingly makes a great leader. She has such a professionalism that I have never seen from her. Cardan doesn't seem to have any intention in delivering thinly-veiled insults in a way of praising any of us at all. He is surprisingly pleasant to work with.

For the first time in my life, I've seen Cardan being respectful towards others beneath him. He is really cooperating with us for this project. I glance up at him and catch the calculation in his eyes as he looks down at his notes and phone, before turning to Taryn. He's had that look for our entire discussion - he seems to always be asking questions.

"We should set a day to meet up, don't you think? We can't meet everyday. We need to study for finals and obviously, after classes, we all are already exhausted and feeling like absolute shit" Cardan looks up at Taryn.

"How about Saturday night?" I say, finally suggesting something instead of agreeing for the first time for the entire conversation.

Taryn turns to look at me, considering my suggestion. I turn and find Cardan also looking at me. I can't decipher the look he is giving me - it is nothing insulting, but more like he is about to object the idea of meeting on Saturday nights. Before Taryn can even have a say in the issue, Cardan stands up abruptly. Taryn and I look at him.

"I'm not free on Saturdays. Weekly family dinner" he says, his voice distant.

I blink, glancing at Taryn briefly before turning to look at him again. "Oh, well. How about Friday night? Taryn only have two classes and we have 3. We can stay the night to discuss and finish everything" I say.

Taryn's eyes blink in interest instantly, but we both look at Cardan, waiting for his answer. If he is going to make it complicated, I will punch him in the jaw again. No, even the kiss won't bother me. Even the scent of him or the sweetness of his lips won't stop me from punching him. Even the moment when his weight pressed against me- for fuck's sake, stop it.

I shake my head and sigh, sitting down on my chair and begin comparing my notes with Taryn's and Cardan's. Mine looks like a complete messy nerd notes with doodles here and there, as well as some random sketches, while Taryn's notes are simple and organized. As for Cardan, well - not as messy as mine, but solid. As if they aren't brief notes he took while listening to Taryn. They look like notes from someone who really is interested in the project.

I put their notes down and start to put my books into my bag. I glance at the clock - it is quarter to one now. This is what happened when I decided to reject Vivi's kind offer to send us here. Well, I really do not have any idea how Taryn and I are supposed to go back home without any transportation. I am not willing to start another two hour walk when all I need right now is a good sleep before the morning's class.

"Friday nights are fine" Cardan says, looking down at his books.

Taryn smiles and grabs me by my shoulder. I jump slightly and scowl, surprised at the sudden touch. "We'll get going now. So, Friday nights, here? Unless you have any other place, you can text us. Or, just tell Jude-"

"What? Why the fuck-" Taryn steps on my toe with her pumps as a warning. I grit my teeth, trying to hold back a scream of pain, smiling forcefully at her. "Right. You can text me if you have other things to do" I look at Cardan briefly before turning my head back to Taryn - stop stepping on me, you idiot!

Taryn bids Cardan goodbye and I ignore the pain as we walk out of the small library - or at least, that's what I assumed the room to be. The lower floor is already silent, except for the slow voices coming from the TV. I can see the rest of Cardan's siblings already asleep on the couches and- the carpeted floors. Well, that seems hilarious. This place seems to have a lot of room and yet they choose to sleep in the living room.

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