Finally, the actual chat!

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Peasant: Wtf?!

*Nems is offline*

Shou: True though
Shou: You're rude to children other than 1B and you pick favourites.

Peasant: They aren't gonna make it as heroes. They all are awful at their job and don't do anything they are asked to do.

Zashi: Smack a bixch into Christmas Eve

Peasant: You're so weak that you censor your messages-

Izuku: He does it because he actually gives a shit about kids. Unlike a certain someone who is salty because nobody believed in him and it made him a shadowed hero who nobody knows apart from the fact he is a teacher.

AJR: Pop off

Venom: Stfu

Peasant: Atleast I have a dad that actually cares. Atleast I'm not hated by the person who I consider my 'best friend' and get hurt by him. Atleast I'm not scared to use my quirk, because I'm not a weak useless baby.

Snakeh8er: You're, fired.
Snakeh8er: That is verbal abuse to a child and

*Izuku is offline*

Snakeh8er: against our policy- Midoriya are you alright?

*Nems is online*

Peasant: Oh shit

Nems: What. The. Fuck?!
Nems: You're meant to be a hero bitch! You're meant to take care of the population not destroy their self esteem!!!

Real life, Aizawa POV, 17:49

"He has something seriously wrong with him. He should never be a teacher again, I hope one of them shuns him out of the hero society too." I thought, walking around the dorms.

What is that god forsaken noise?! Wait- oh that's someone breathing heavily. OH THAT'S SOMEONE BREATHING HEAVILY-

I ran to the spare dorm and saw someone taking deep breaths- wait- trying to take deep breaths.

'Hey, what's wrong?' I asked.

'H-he's so s-stupid...' Nems said, through shaky breaths.

'Oh. Oh, Nemuri.. it's gonna be ok-'

'What a-about Iz-zuku? He's n-not doing g-good right now...'

'You're concerned about Midoriya, after the panic attack?'

She nodded and I gave her a side hug. She always got attached too easily. Rubbing her shoulder, I grabbed her bag with a new rouge dress in.

'Wanna take the edge off it?' I said, shaking the clothes hanger. I looked around the dump of a room -Heights Alliance wanted the kids to bring their own stuff so this was dingy-, the tatty green carpet, the chavvy wooden furniture, the uncomplimentary coloured walls.

'Heh.. s-sure, let me get r-ready.' She said, her breath finally starting to stabilise.

Nemuri POV, 19:30

Nemuri POV, 19:30

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