I miss my 'mother'...

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'Hey, Mido!' The purple-haired girl called out in the ward. People would have thought this a weird connection but it wasn't actually. Both of them had been labelled 'freaks' and 'outcasts' since they were young. Kyoka was that weirdo who would jam to music in the back of the class and Izuku was, obviously, shunned as quirkless.

The unlikely-but-likely duo could be found in the medical ward either; doing homework, studying or just mindlessly conversing about lessons or what's the new gossip in year 1 of UA! (They didn't have the guts to talk about anything to do with the big 3 or year 2 of UA.)

'Anything new?' Said the Greenie, tapping his pencil on a notebook page.

'All the info from Mina, apparently Tooru and Ojiro are sharing two way love' the girl responded.

'Of course, of course. That was gonna be an obvious one since the first training activity and when they went against Sunaipu-Sensei together.' He added, deep in thought.

'You're a matchmaker Zuku-' she cut off, staring at Izuku.

'Tktktk, Kyo. I just know some signs' he said, winking. It was true, in most of his notebook pages there was always an 'interested in:' or 'partnered (rom) with:'. It was known he was observant through his reading of emotions. Speaking of-

'Hey what's up Kyo? You seem overly excited'

'How in the fuck do you know that-'

'NO SWEARING IN THE WARD!!' Recovery girl called out.

'SORRY' the duo shouted in unison.

'Anywayysss, Momo was smiling at me all lesson!!' Jirou squealed.

'That's cool!' Izuku smiled back.

'Hey, what's up?- on geez you're rubbing off on me.' She said, smile fading.

'Well.... Midnight hasn't been here or answering since Friday... (It's Monday)' He replied, eyes glistening.

'Our sensei? I guess she hasn't...' The girl responded, realising something was happening.

'We should go tell another sensei, Izu' Kyoka said, standing up.

'A-all right!' Izuku responded.

Together, they walked to the ongoing teachers meeting. Opening the door, they both got annoyed looks.

'What?' -Vlad

'This is a teachers meeting. You shouldn't be here.' -Shou

'Little listeners, what's the problem?' -(do I need to say)

'M-Midnight's gone missing..' -Zuku

'She hasn't talked to him since Friday.' -Kyo

'What?! Oh no- you're joking- right? RIGHT?!' -13, now panicking.

There were scared, horrified, concerned looks scattered across the room. Of course, for a good reason. A coworker of theirs, a limelight hero and an immensely advantaged quirked person all in one had disappeared. Nobody knew what was gonna happen or when it was going to happen but something was. They'd be nothing more than filthy fake friends. And heroes, it's their job to protect the people yet they lost someone closest to them.

'Hey... why don't you two hang out today? Just to take your mind off of things?' Suggested Zashi, taking deep breaths.

'Okay! I'm in, if you are Izuku! We could go to a fair?' Kyoka exclaimed happily.

'A... fair?' Muttered Fluff-ball.

'Oh you've got to be kidding me. We're going now. Farewell, Senseis! I hope we get leads soon.' Pouted the girl, waving bye to her teachers.

9:30am, at the gala fair.

Izuku's jaw dropped. How..? Why..? Was all he could think. There were big wheels that spun around and arcade games around. There were confectionery stands around the area, with hero-shaped cotton candy stood pristine on display.

'Kyooo look at them!!' The green boy said, grabbing Kyoka's hand and showing her a Present Mic candyfloss stick.

'Well aren't these cute!' She said, looking around.

She then noticed a Midnight one next to Kamui Woods.

'Let's go on the Ferris wheel! If you're scared of heights, oh no.' The girl said, pulling Izuku away nervously.

'Ooookayy?' Izuku responded, realising the big wheel must be a ferry wheel thingy. They had to do a height check, which Izuku's hair passed with flying colours. Kyoka however, had to sneakily go on her tip-toes. They boarded the Ferris wheel and took a seat on the pink, pearly cart and looked out to see the ocean. 'Wow! That's beautiful!' Kyoka half-shouted, leaning out of the cart-side. (Not a ship!) 'Like you, now stop trying to dive in!' Izuku said, pulling her back.

'Let's get pics at the top!! They can be yearbook!' She called out, almost levitating with happiness.

'Yeah... if they actually wanted me in the yearbook.' Izuku said bitterly, looking out at the sea with his head on his hand.

'Oh Zuku. I'm sure they do.' She said pitifully, leaning over and rubbing his shoulder. 'They won't. You're like- the only person who will be seen in a 10 foot radius of me.' He whined. Then, he screamed.

'Oh stop being a baby it's only going up!' Kyoka giggled. 'It feels like a cursed elevator!!' Izuku shrieked, gripping onto anything and everything he could. 'THE ONLY THING GOING UP IS ME!! CAUSE IM GOING TO HEAVEN CAUSE I'VE PASSED AWAY!!' Midoriya shouted, much to Jirou's amusement, as she bursted out laughing and wheezing. Noticing that they had stopped at the top, he freaked. 'Kyo what- what the hell..?' He said through gritted teeth. 'Fine, I might have slipped the guy 100¥ to stay at the top.' 'SERIOUSLY?'

'Never. EVER. Again..' Izuku said, now on the ground drinking an illness drink from the operator and glaring at Kyoka. 'Cheer up, Chap! It was a fun ride.' The operator said, rubbing his back. Izuku got shivers from this and winced. 'Thanks.. let's go Kyo.' He said, grabbing her hand and leading them away.

'Bumper cars?' He suggested.
'Oh my god yes!!' Kyoka half-shouted back.
'Les gooooo!!!' The green-haired boy called back, running ahead and almost tripping on his feet.
'Hey- wait up!!!' She called, laughing and running straight after him ((M I A M I RUNNING OUT OF TIME)

'That'll be 550¥ each, please' the operator said, holding his coin pouch out.



(1000 words + A/N)

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