Rescue Mission- Ahoy!!

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AN: I'm so sorry for the wait! I hope you like this one, it might be 2 chapters+ long.

"What are we to do, Nezu? We can't go in straight away, but we can't delay for security of her life." Thirteen mumbled, now out of her hero costume.

"Patience, Anan. We don't have leads to the situation, and even so, a plan could foil. Must I remind us of Toshinori's prior situation?" Replied Principle Nezu, much to Allmight's dismay.

"Yes, but we also can't wait too long in risk of her life, as the lass said." Snipe added, running a cloth along the grip of a revolver. "Can you stop with that? I work with metal and oil for a living but the rusty smell of thag is gonna make me quit." Chimed in Powerloader, pinching his nose.

Aizawa POV, 18:36 pm

Those babies never shut up when push comes to shove. It's always 'We're gonna die!! She's not gonna be here! He's gonna get injured!' And never a strategic battle plan. Nemuri's a strong woman. I know that, she's a year older than me and she taught me to find trust in people and strengthening exercises. She wouldn't have given in to what they want. Not yet.

20:55 pm

All of the staff are upset. They've all got the brains of idiots with special skills. Nemuri is close to them, but they also can't find comfort in the next person close to them, Midoriya. He's bunking at Jirou's house all night. Vlad's declaring every man for themselves, but Ectoplasm quickly shut that down, even cracking a joke about his quirk. I, myself, have been forming a plan on saving Nems, but Naosama's crew and other hero's would need to be involved. First, I remember a process that the senior hero's went through, more so the UA staff. We had an injection with liquid tracker done after the first incidents with my kids, so we could be tracked if this very situation happened. I'll ask Powerloader about that later. Then, we'd need to arrange police and heroes together like we did when Bakugou was endangered by the LOV. Once we are ready, we should figure out which villain it is who could have taken her. Hopefully not one too far up the food chain.

God, Nemuri. The trouble you put us through.

3rd person POV 21:07 pm

"Hey, guys, I think I've created a solid plan." Aizawa called over from a corner of the staff room.

"Huh? Show." Vlad King said, apparently sold on the teamwork idea.

He grabbed the plan sheet from Aizawa's hands ((Nezu gave him a strike, 2 more and he would be on a break)) and looked angrily at it. Skimming the neatly written lines, he was looking more and more convinced.

"Come now, share with the rest of us, Sekijiro!" Nezu said, flashing him a half sweet half "share-it-now-or-you're-fired" smile. Vlad practically threw the plan sheet at the headmaster and walked to stand next to him, like all of the other heroes had.

"Mmmm very well planned, Shouta! This will certainly be used as a piece in the bigger picture." Nezu finalised, looking at the hobo man and grinning.

"WHAT?! BIGGER PICTURE?! THAt was such a big plan!" Hizashi shouted, his quirk being cut off half way by a hissing Aizawa.

"Zashi, this is going to need a gigantic plan, not a big one. Nezu wants the rest of you," Aizawa points at all of the heroes. "To make a plan too." He finished, much to the others' dismay.

"My my, always reading the room, aren't we Shouta?" Nezu joked. "Chop chop, not a nice look to keep a lady waiting!" He finished, jumping off of his chair to leave to his office.

"Much ado about nothing, I guess." Snipe said, grabbing some plan forms for the rest of them. "Yuuuppp..." Thirteen mumbled, making a coffee.

7:34 am

Thirteen, Snipe, Cementoss, Hizashi, Aizawa obviously and Vlad ((just barely)) finished their plans and sent them up to Nezu's office.

"I'm sleeping for a year. Don't disturb me-" Cementoss was saying, but was dragged back by Thirteen "Didn't you used to love high-school musical? We're all in this together, dickhead.".

After leaving Yamada to wheeze for 10 minutes, they had all regained focus on the task at hand. Nemuri was in trouble, yes, and they needed to form a plan to get there. They all received their feedback from their boss and worked together ((very difficult for Vlad)) to make a "gigantic plan". The other heroes all chipped in and at last, at 14:47, they finished the plan and sent it to Nezu.

Nezu POV 15:30

My my, I saw their plan loading but I barely expected it to be as "gigantic" as I wanted! At first I contemplated messaging 'More please' back, but I'm not that cruel... am I? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! My employees love me.

I'm very thankful that they took their time, though. This proves that they are more than just robotic teachers who give out homework and detentions! They are heroes who have lives and friends, and the Media is yet to know and understand that. Heh, also known as the Press. All they do is press information out of them. Very well, they completed their task, so now I have mine to complete. Alerting the hero commission and Naosama's police force.

3rd person POV, 18:43

The heroes had the events hit them, and it had properly set in that Nemuri was missing and in danger. Thirteen was crying, Hizashi was comforting her, Vlad was acting a bit more dull than usual, Shouta knew nothing bad had happened yet but didn't feel the need the tell them, and the rest of them were upset. Naosama was aware and training his team, and the commission was finding the best people for the job. They had no doubts that Nemuri would be saved. Rescue mission- Ahoy!!

Words: 1010 and the next part is coming!

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