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Elle walked into the main room seeing everyone gone, she furrowed her eyebrows inwards hearing the blaring noise and she turned to look out from the window seeing agents with their guns up. She teleported outside and saw Wanda standing before her, the green lasers pointed at her chest.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Elle yelled, causing everyone's eyes to look at her. Elle looked at Wanda and spoke.

"Wanda, what's going on?" She asked and Wanda blinked a couple of times and spoke.

"I'm doing things on my own now." She said and Elle shook her head and spoke.

"Wanda, what is that supposed to mean?" She asked and Wanda held out an open hand full of her red energy.

Elle shot her hands up and spoke.

"Wanda, whoah!" She yelled and Wanda spoke.

"I have everything I want. Do not come into my home again!" She yelled, her accent coming through and Elle watched as Wanda flicked her wrist, the energy hitting the agent's heads and they turned their weapons to the director. Elle opened her hand and shot the white energy out at Wanda, throwing Wanda back into Westview.

Her white energy turned the static force field white and she watched as a new barricade was formed.

"I gotta go." Elle said and Hayward yelled at her.

"Do not interfere!" He yelled and watched as everyone snapped out of their trances. Hayward began running to her and Elle shot her hand out, the energy blasting him back and she looked at the barrier and ran through, not caring what was going to happen to her.


Elle looked around at the town seeing how stoic it was and she furrowed her eyebrows inwards. She looked down at her outfit seeing that she looked like she just appeared out of an 80s sitcom.

She looked around at the house's seeing how empty they looked and she began walking down a road, hoping it would lead her to Wanda's house. She closed her eyes and began to think about where Wanda could possibly live and she teleported.

She opened her eyes seeing that she was in front of a house and she raised her hand to knock.

Moments later the door opened and there was Wanda in a similar outfit to hers. Her eyes widened and looked at Elle.

"Honey, who is it?" She heard Vision ask and Wanda cleared her throat and spoke.

"My sister, Elle." She said and Elle furrowed her eyebrows and Vision looked at her. Her heart dropped seeing the android stand before her and he spoke.

"Elle, it's nice to see you." He said and Wanda gave Elle a fake smile and Wanda opened the door to help Elle in. She walked in slowly keeping her eyes on Vision and she spoke softly.

"Vision-" She said but cut her self off hearing her accent. The Sokovian accent came through and Elle looked at Wanda. Wanda looked at Vision and spoke.

"Honey, I think Billy and Tommy are still up can you go tuck them in?" Wanda asked and Vision nodded and walked up to the stairs.

Wanda turned to Elle and spoke.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and Elle clenched her jaw and spoke.

"I could ask you the same thing, Wanda. What is going on? Why is that VISION?" She asked and Wanda shook her head and spoke.

"You need to leave." She said and Elle shook her head not listening to her.

"No, Wanda, I'm not leaving you." Elle said and Wanda shook her head and spoke.

"I-I can't have you here, Elle. This, this whole place- everything... I just needed more time." She said and Elle closed her eyes and reached out to grab Wanda's shoulder. She brought her close and pulled her into a hug.

"Then we go through this together." She said and Wanda nodded softly and Elle breathed in.

"But, this accent? What is up with that?" She asked and Wanda let out a soft laugh and spoke.

"I'm not sure why you have my accent but-" She said and the doorbell cut her off.

She walked over to open it and there stood a man with silver hair.

"Long lost bro get to squeeze his stinkin sister to death or what?" The man asked and Elle's eyes furrowed inwards as she looked at the man and Wanda spoke softly.

"Pietro?" She asked and ran to hug him.

Elle watched the scene unfold, confusion written all over her face. She was wondering why this man was dressed almost similar to Pietro but looked nothing like him. The two parted and Pietro looked over at Elle and smiled.

"Hey sis!" He said and engulfed her into a tight embrace. Elle held her hands out as the man hugged her and awkwardly patted him on the back.

"Heyyy..." She said trailing off. She pulled away and looked at Wanda, an unreadable expression on her face.


Elle leaned against the door of Wren's room watching as two year old play with her toys. Elle had on her black dress that she had worn to the funeral of her father. Wren's blonde hair was up into two pigtails tied with red ribbon. Elle walked into the room and sat on the floor in front of the young girl.

Wren looked up at Elle, and smiled at her. Elle gave the girl a small smile back and Wren spoke.

"Mommy, is something wrong?" The little girl asked and Elle gave the young toddler a soft smile and spoke.

"Mommy's just not feeling good, honey." Elle said and Wren crawled over to her mother and sat in her lap. Wren lifted her hand to touch Elle's face and within seconds Elle felt her sad feeling disappear. Elle's eyebrows  raised in confusion and she looked down at her daughter and Wren smied, her blue eyes looking right at her mother.

"I love you mommy." Wren said and Elle breathed in deep and kissed the girl's forehead.

"I love you 3000." Elle whispered and Wren giggled softly.

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