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Elle was rushed on a hospital bed, through Metro-general as one of her former friends, Claire was helping her as she was brought in.

She began seizing shortly after Bucky rushed her in, her limp body in his arms and he looked at Claire and spoke.

"She's been injected with something." He said and she nodded and a couple of doctors came and rushed to her.

"Start an IV we gotta see what's wrong, bring her to the fifth floor." A doctor said and soon after another doctor spoke.

"She's seizing!"

Elle sat on the small plane seeing a boat come into her vision and she smiled to herself softly- knowing that she actually was going to make a decision on her own without the influence of her father.

Once the plane landed she walked off- wearing jeans, a short sleeve Guns N' Roses shirt and converse. Her brown hair was in waves down her back.

"Elle?" A familiar females voice said and Elle turned around seeing a the red haired S.H.I.E.L.D. agent standing next to an unknown man, the man she remembered seeing briefly last night and photo albums of her grandfather.

"Natasha." She said and the woman gave her a small smirk and looked at the man.

"This is Steve Rogers and this is Dr. Banner." She said and Elle nodded and looked at them both.

Steve extended his hand for a shake, keeping his gaze on the young woman, seeing something familiar about her and Elle held her hand out and shook it. She looked at Bruce who gave her a curt nod, not wanting stick his hand out to greet her, feeling as if he would hurt her. She gave him an awkward smile and looked at Natasha.

"Gentlemen, and- lady, you might want to step back." She said and the ship started to move, scaring all three of them.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asked aloud and Bruce gave a sarcastic response looking around.

"They want me in a submerged, pressurized, metal container?" He asked and Elle gave him a confused look. The three of them walked to the edge of the ship and saw that it was starting to move towards the sky instead of towards the ocean.

"I-I would like to go inside now." Elle stated out loud and looking down and she heard Natasha give out a small laugh.

The four of them made it inside the Helicarrier quickly and they were met with agents talking amongst themselves and looking at their computer screens. Elle, Steve and Bruce looked up, seeing the sky through the top of the Helicarrier and Bruce walked away from them both. Elle was a few feet away from Steve as she looked around the place and she spoke softly to the soldier.

"Aren't you like 90 years old?" Elle asked Steve who looking up at the sky and Steve turned towards her and furrowed his eyebrow.

"I" He asked and Elle gave him a small smile and spoke.

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