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Wanda looked at Elle as she stood on the house's foundation and she spoke

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Wanda looked at Elle as she stood on the house's foundation and she spoke.

"Elle, maybe it would be best if..." Wanda said but Elle shook her head.

"Wanda, no. Please Wanda, don't do this to me." Elle said and Wanda shook her head softly.

"Please, Elle, let me go." She said and Elle shook her head and Wanda gave her a small smile.

"Let me go." Wanda said and jumped up into the air, concealing herself from Elle as she left.

Elle walked into her home, as she felt a dead weight on her chest. She walked into the living room, seeing Rhodey hold Wren as he tried to vacuum the living room.

Rhodey turned, seeing that Elle was back and he smiled softly at the expression Wren gave out, but his smile quickly changed as he watched Elle fall to the ground as if she got stabbed in the back.

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