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Elle tilted her head and spoke.

"What did you just call me?" She asked looking at Agnes and Agnes laughed.

"The White Wit-" She said but Elle threw an energy ball at Agnes, causing her to tumble backwards, letting go of the children.

Agnes laughed, trying to take some of Elle's powers but once she felt that it didn't work, her smile fell.

"What the- " She went to say but Elle threw another ball of energy. Agnes looked at Elle and waved a purple hand, throwing Elle towards the other side of the street.

Before Elle could fall, she was grabbed by a pair of white hands. She looked up seeing Vision above her.

"Vis, thank you oh my-" She went to say but White Vision grabbed her head and began crushing her skull.

"And I thought you were the most powerful." He said and before he could continue crushing her skull, he was thrown by Vision.

"Are you alright?" Vision asked helping Elle up and she nodded and spoke.

"Are you?" She asked and he nodded and Wanda rushed to them.

"This is our home." Wanda said and Vision nodded and spoke, looking at both girls he loved very much.

"Then let's fight for it." He said and Elle nodded and jumped into the air, her white magic surrounding her. She watched as Vision went after White Vision and Wanda spoke.

"I have Agnes, help Vis!" She said and flew after Agnes. Elle went in the direction Vision was going in and rushed after the White Vision.

White Vision threw Vision to the ground and went after him to kill him but Elle got in the way and used her white energy to push him back. He tumbled to the ground and Elle flew after him and before anything else, White Vision took control and went after Elle, bumping into her to throw her into the ground.

Before Elle could fully fall, Vision caught her, both of them tumbling to the ground with a loud thud.

Elle saw Wanda and the boys and she ran to her after thanking Vision and spoke.

"How do you want to handle this?" Elle asked and Wanda grabbed Elle's hand and smiled.

"Together." She said as the S.W.O.R.D. military showed up.

"Boys, handle the military. Mommy and Auntie Elle are gonna be a bit." Wanda said and they both flew up into the air.

"Isolate her." Was all Elle said and Wanda nodded as she began throwing every ball of energy she could.

Elle did it as well and as time went on, they trapped her into their runes.

"I don't need you to tell me who I am." Wanda said and Elle held her hands as Wanda got her magic back from Agnes. The power surfed through Wanda to Elle and Elle threw her head back feeling the insane amount of energy consumed her. She started levitating down towards the ground as her entire outfit changed.

It was exactly like Wanda's but in places were Wanda's was red, Elle's was white. Her matching head piece brought out the hazel in her eyes and she looked at Wanda who smiled at her and Elle watched as Wanda dealt with Agnes on her own.

Once Wanda was finished with Agnes, Wanda turned to Elle and Elle ran to her and embraced her in a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you." Elle said softly into Wanda's ear and Wanda gave out a small laugh and spoke.

"I've missed you more."

"We should head home." Vision said and Elle's heart dropped at the statement and Wanda smiled sadly and nodded.

Elle was in Wanda's living room as Wanda was tucking in the boys and giving them goodbyes. Elle looked at Vision and spoke.

"I'm going to miss you." Elle said, with tears threatening to spill and Vision nodded.

"I know." He said and Elle felt a tear escape and she shook her head.

Vision rushed over to her and placed a hand on her cheek.

"Elle-" He said and Elle shook her head and spoke softly.

"I- I don't know how I can live without you again." She whispered and Vision shook his head and spoke.

"Eleanor, I don't want you to be sad over this, over me." He said and Elle breathed in deep and spoke.

"You were my first true friend." She said, her voice breaking at the end of her sentence. Vision blinked multiple times to bring what he felt like was emotion down and he breathed out.

"Wren, my daughter, she knows about you. I had your voice recordings from all those years ago." She said softly and Vision breathed out

"You have a daughter?" He asked and Elle nodded, biting her lip as more tears fell.

"I do, and she knows all about you, and all that you've done for me." She said and she threw her hands over Vision's neck and held him tight as she let out a sob.

"I love you, Vis." She said and Vision squeezed her tightly and spoke.

"I love you more, Elle. Thank you for being my first true friend." He said and Elle pulled back and Vision placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Wanda came down and gave a sad look to Elle.

"The boys are waiting for you." Wanda said and Elle nodded and looked into Vision's eyes once more and then left, knowing that if she stayed a second longer she would have kept this world up for him to live.

Elle walked up the stairs, dreading the goodbye that was ahead and she knocked on the boys door. They both looked at her and smiled.

"Auntie Elle." Tommy said and Elle smiled softly and sat on Billy's bed. 

"C'mere Tommy." She said and Tommy sat on her lap and Elle spoke looking at both boys.

"I want you to know that I love you both very much." She said and they both nodded and she spoke again.

"I will always love you, and so will your mom and dad." She said as the kids started to fade.

 The red anamoly came and swept up the kids, and Vision.

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