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Elle sat in the kitchen of Scott Lang's house watching as Cassie was washing the dishes, with her back turned towards the two. Elle looked at Scott and spoke lowly, trying not to bring up much with Cassie standing right next to her.

"How have things been?" Elle asked and Scott nodded and spoke.

"Eh- Good. Things have been good." He said and Elle nodded and watched as Hope walked in the kitchen with their new puppy all wet and Hope smiled at Elle. Hope was the only one that knew of Wren in the Lang household and she wanted to keep it like that. ESPECIALLY when Scott had a big mouth.

"How have you been, Elle?" Hope asked and Elle looked at her and gave her the best fake smile she could muster and spoke.

"Great, I've been gr-" She went to say but the ground started to vibrate. Elle instinct's immediately went into fight mode and she got up and rushed to the door, seeing a bus drive by frantically. Scott went to get ready and she turned to him.

"You're not coming anywhere. Stay here." She said and he went to speak but Elle glared at him and he nodded.

She ran outside and teleported onto the bus and saw a man with no hand. She furrowed her eyebrows and shouted.

"Hey!" She yelled and he turned to her.

"Holy shit, you're an Avenger!" A woman said and the man charged at Elle and the sword from his missing hand came out and Elle shot her hands out and used her powers to bring the sword to the floor. She brought her knee up and kneed him between the eyes. He groaned and another man came at her and threw a quick punch. 

She tilted her head and shot a ball of energy at him, making him fly backwards. The man that was previously driving the bus got thrown back and the woman who yelled her name went to drive and Elle saw they were going to hit a building. 

Elle ran towards the man with no hand that had the new guy held against the window and she grabbed him on the back and threw a punch. She brought her leg over his neck and brought him to the ground and threw a hard punch. Another one came at her and the other man and she watched as he began to fight him.

"I have to stop the bus." She said and he grunted and she rushed over to the woman who was driving and spoke.

"Keep driving, don't stop no matter what." Elle said, her faded Russian-Sokovian- American accent coming through.

The woman's mouth fell open and Elle teleported near the bay and twisted her hands- her white powers surrounding her arms and she focused on the bus stopping. She clenched her jaw, feeling her power submerge itself around the bus and several screeches passed and the bus made a full stop, damaging some cars. She looked up at the woman and gave her a curt nod and teleported back into the bus.

"Where did they go?" She asked looking around and the man that fought against them looked and her and breathed out. He looked at the woman who drove and they both got off the bus.

"Shit." Elle breathed out, watching them leave.

Elle sat on the plane, watching the man and woman from the plane and she walked over to them with her hood on and sat down between the two of them. She looked at them and spoke.

"We need to talk." She stated and the woman's mouth fell slightly open.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked looking at the man and he spoke.

"My name is Shang-Chi." He said and she squinted and raised an eyebrow.

"No- who are you? Alien? " She asked and his eyes widened and he shook his head.

"N-No." He said and she looked at the woman next to her and she spoke.

"My name's Katy." She said and Elle gave her a curt nod and then looked back at Shang-Chi.

"Hello Katy." She said and Katy smiled and spoke.

"This is so EXCITING!" She exclaimed and Elle looked at Shang-Chi and raised an eyebrow and he sighed softly.

"I guess you could say it's about the Ten Rings."He said and Elle's heart dropped at the name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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