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"Shouldn't have given up the shield." Elle heard Bucky say and her heart dropped as he spoke to Sam. 

Elle had left Vera to babysit Wren with Rhodey as she decided she needed to speak to Sam about his decision to give up what Steve had given him.

She walked behind him and watched as Sam walked down the stairs and she crossed her arms over her chest. Her dark jeans fit her perfectly and her long sleeve shirt was pushed up to her elbows.

"Why did they give that Walker character, Steve's shield?" Elle asked, crossing her arms over the other, looking at Sam.

"Not you too, Elle." He said and she rolled her eyes not acknowledging Bucky and spoke.

"What's that supposed to mean? You give off Steve's shield like it's nothing and expect me to be okay with it?" She asked and Sam turned towards her and spoke,

"When did you get an accent?" He asked and Elle raised an eyebrow and Sam shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, I have to deal with the Flagsmashers." Sam said and Elle rolled her eyes and spoke.

"We have to deal with it, Sam." She said and Sam shook his head and spoke.

"I have a feeling they might be apart of the Big Three." Sam said and Bucky furrowed his eyebrows inwards and spoke.

"What Big Three?" He asked and Sam raised his eyebrows.

"The Big Three. Androids, Aliens, and Wizards." He said and Elle rolled her eyes

"Every time we fight, we fight one of the big three." Sam said and Bucky rolled his eyes and spoke.

"What are we fighting now, Gandalf?" Bucky asked and Sam tilted his head and spoke.

"What do you know about Gandalf?" Sam asked and Bucky raised one eyebrow.

"I read the Hobbit when it first came out- in 1937." He said and Sam nodded and spoke.

"So you see my point." He said and Bucky shook his heads.

"There are no wizards."

"Doctor Strange." Sam said and Elle rolled her eyes.

"Is a sorcerer."

"A sorcerer is a wizard without a hat." Sam said and then looked back at Elle.

"And Elle, she's a wizard." Sam said and Bucky shook his head.

"No, she isn't-" Bucky said but Sam cut him off.

"Yes she is, she's the-" He said and Elle cut him off.

"White Witch." Elle said and Sam looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Is that you're new name now? Seems kinda-" He said and Elle rolled her eyes and spoke.

"Sam, you're called the Falcon." She said and Sam rolled his eyes and began to walk.

"We're coming with you." Elle said and Sam shook his head.

"No you're not." He said and Elle ran to him and grabbed his arm, forcing him to look at her.

"You're gonna need me, Sam. I'm coming with you." She said and Sam clenched his jaw and just walked away and she smirked, following him.

Elle stood pacing back and forth on the jet, dressed in her new White Witch suit, as Sam and Bucky were staring at each other. She looked at them and spoke.

"Are you guys really having a staring contest right now?" She asked as the tension rose in the plane.

"What's the plan?" Bucky asked as Sam stood and once Sam didn't answer he groaned.

"Great, so no plan." He said shoving his ear piece into his ear.

"Enjoy your ride Buck." Sam said and Bucky shook his head.

"You don't get to call me that." Bucky said and Sam furrowed his eyebrows inwards.

"Why not? That's what Steve and Elle call you." He said and Bucky raised an eyebrow glancing at Elle and spoke.

"Steve knew me longer and they both had a plan." He said and Elle rolled her eyes at the constant bickering and she sighed and walked to were Torres was and she jumped out of the place. She soared through the sky and brought her hands out towards her as she was getting close to the ground. She threw her hands out, her energy breaking her fall and right next to her, Bucky landed on his back.

She looked at him and placed her hand on his shoulder and teleported them to the warehouse Sam was in.

Elle and Bucky walked to where Sam was and Sam spoke up looking at his wrist.

"You're doing that staring thing again." He said and Bucky glared at him and Sam spoke.

"Shit, there's an eight person, I think it's a hostage." Sam said and Bucky glared at him and all three of them broke out into a sprint. Sam shot up into the air and Bucky and Elle broke out into a fast sprint. Elle shot up into the sky, her white magic soaring around her and Bucky landed on a truck.

Seconds later he was thrown across onto another truck, breaking the windshield and he cursed.

"What's going on?" Elle yelled and watched as Flagsmashers ganged up on Bucky. She hopped on a truck and moved her hands in a circle, her white magic shooting out to a Flagsmasher. He stumbled back and she ran to a Flagsmasher who held Bucky and she threw a kick, hitting him across the stomach. He grabbed Elle and put his arm around her throat but she took her hand full of energy and placed it to her chest, going through her and into him and he fell to the floor. Before anything else could happen, a red, white, and blue shield flew past her head.

"Eleanor, John Walker, Captain America." He said and Elle shook her head and spoke. 

"I don't care." She mumbled and threw another energy blast at the red haired Flagsmasher. She fell onto the other truck and watched as Bucky fell off the truck, ripping the metal. She looked down and before anything could happen she got kicked in the back. She tumbled forward and the female Flagsmasher dragged Elle down to the floor of the truck. Elle's head dangled off the side and she kicked the girl in her private part and used her magic to whisk Bucky up to the top. Once she saw he was safe at the top, she used both of her hands and threw the girl to the side.

Elle watched as Bucky fell once again and Sam grabbed him and brought him to a fied. She groaned and jumped up into the air. Before she could fully make it into the air, a Flagsmasher grabbed her leg and jerked her down, she knew how hard she'd fall so she gave in. She hit her head on the metal and she felt her head throb. She knew her head was glowing so when the Flagsmasher hit her again, a psionic bomb exploded from her and they both went flying in opposite directions. Elle fell into a field of daisies and she tumbled hitting her head on some rocks.

Elle groaned as she felt her ribs break and she sat up and spit some blood out onto the ground. Bucky and Sam walked to her and Sam offered his hand to help her but she just stood and began walking.

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