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"Hear me and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos." Torunn laughed looking at Ebony Maw.

"He looks like a penis." Agnes said looking at the alien and Elle watched as Ebony Maw looked at every single person there.

"Smelled like one too." Elle spat and Agnes watched as Torunn, Thor's biological daughter spoke.

"That's the same bullshit you told my father and uncle before killing them both." Torunn yelled to Ebony Maw.

"Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here." Tony said in a firm voice but was ignored.

"Stonekeeper. Does this animal speak for you?" Ebony asked Stephen.

"Certainly not, I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Stephen said getting ready to fight, his hands glowing bright orange.

"He means get lost squidward." Tony yelled. But then the buffer alien began looking towards them and Torunn got ready, so did Wong and Stephen.

But then a figure dressed in white dropped down from the sky. White energy wrapped all around her small figure. Her dark brown hair flowed everywhere she stood up and said

"Uh, hey everyone." She looked back and what everyone saw next scared them.

"Elle?" Bruce asked the girl. She stood up straight and said

" Hey Bruce. Dad." She said looking at her father. He was speechless.

"Hey, Thor jr. I missed you, you know." Elle said looking over at Torunn.

"I missed you too, Elle" The young girl said to Anastasia and she smiled.

The oldest Stark looked back and saw someone who once helped her.

"Doctor Strange?" She asked confused. But then the giant alien hit his axe on the ground

"Now would be a good time to bring out the big guy." Tony said looking straight ahead, trying not to look at his oldest daughter. But he couldn't. His daughter had changed so much, her hair was now up to her shoulders, she looked more mature.

Some grunting came from Bruce and Tony looked at Bruce. Then Elle and Torunn looked at him.

"Where's you guy?" Elle asked Bruce

"We've sorta been having a thing" Bruce said out of breath.

"There's no time for a thing, that's a thing and it's walking towards us." Torunn said to Bruce about the alien. But he still tried to change but couldn't

"Dude, your embarrassing me in front of the wizards." Tony said and Elle snorted and looked at Doctor Strange.

"Your a wizard, Strange" She said laughing but, then Ebony looked at Elle with a smile.

"That's the girl, kill her and bring me the stone!" He yelled towards Elle. She looked around confused and saw he was talking to her.

"Oh, shit." She said with wide eyes and the alien began to run towards them.

When the alien started running to Elle , Tony went in front of his daughter and his suit came on. A shield appeared out of his hand and the alien hit it with his axe, Tony then punched the alien and shot it with blasts. The alien went flying back, almost hitting Ebony but he uses his magic to push him away from hitting him.

Elle looked at his powers trying to see what they were but she couldn't figure it out

" Where did that come from?" Bruce asked Tony about his new suit.

"It's nanotech you like it?I-" Tony said but then was cut off when he was blasted in the air. Wong put up a force field and held off Ebony. Torrun. was next to him and swung her sword.

"Dr.Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us..." Stephen said, opening a portal and Bruce fell through it. Elle looked at him surprised and shocked at his new powers. Elle's hand glowed with white energy and she threw a car at Ebony. He caught it and threw it to the side

Torunn threw her sword at Ebony and he ducked, it came back to her and she looked at Strange.

"We gotta get that stone outta here now." Tony said to Stephen

"What stone?" Elle asked confused. They both ignored her.

"It stays with me" Stephen retorted.

"This was what? The last time you saw him until Thanos had snapped his fingers right?" Agnes asked and Elle nodded and clenched her fist, looking in the opposite direction. Before Elle could do anything else she was dragged into another memory with Agnes.

Elle's screams filled the hospital room as she groaned and threw her head back, feeling the pain between her legs and in her stomach.

"I can't do this." Elle said outloud and Pepper shook her head and spoke.

"Elle you gotta push her out, you got this." Pepper said, her encouraging words filling the room. The doctor looked up from between Elle's legs and watched the young girl.

"Please, no, I can't." She said as tears streamed down her face and she spoke again through the pain.

"I-I' m alone. S-Sam, T'Challa, they aren't here." Elle gasped out and Pepper grabbed her hand and spoke.

"I'm here baby, you got this. Theywould be so proud of you. Nat, Steve and Wanda would be as well if they knew just breathe and push." She said and Elle frowned as another contraction hit her, worse this time. The lights in the room flickered as Elle let out a groan and the doctor spoke.

"Miss Stark, you have to push." She said and Elle looked at Pepper who gave her a nod and Elle grunted as she began to push the baby out. 

After several pushes the newborn baby came out into the world. Her loud wails took up the entire room and Elle fell back as she was relieved that it was over.

"Would you like to hold her?" The doctor asked and Elle nodded and the doctor brought the baby to her and placed her carefully in her arms. Elle held the baby up to her naked chest and watched as the baby immediately stopped crying. The baby's eyes opened and Elle looked down seeing her father's face on the baby and she gave a sad smile.

"Have you thought of any names?" Pepper asked and Elle nodded looking down.

"Wren. Wren Stark." She said and the baby's small fingers found their way to Elle's and they held hers.

"Well isn't she just a gem. She what, 2 years old now right?" Agnes asked and Elle clenched her jaw and looked at her.

"Yep." She said and Agnes nodded and spoke. "And the father?" 

"Doesn't know about her." She stated and before anything else could happen, Agnes disappeared and Elle was at the top of the basement stairs.

Elle rushed out of the house hearing Agnes and Wanda speak and Elle heard the twins grunting and Elle made her way out quickly. Agnes looked at Elle who ran to Wanda's side and she spoke.

"There she is. The White Witch."

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