His legacies will be written in the victories he earns, not the praises he receives...
Pity doesn't change the game...
They're nothing but distractions on his wa...
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I. Ukai: "I'll see you at this year's national tournament." He said, with a younger version of Y/N who held his hand, looking at Nekoma's coach who had a smug look on his face.
Π?: "..*scoff*.. But you say that every year, doesn't he, Y/N-chan?.." He mocked with a playful tone as the older Ukai scoffed back.
I. Ukai: "Shut up, This year for sure.."
?: "We're looking forward to the 'Battle at the Garbage Dumpster' at this year's nationals!" A guy from the spectators stand, catching the attention of both coaches.
Unfortunately, both schools were eliminated at the Inter-High preliminaries in June. In March of the following year, Karasuno High School of Miyagi, and Nekoma High School as second to represent Tokyo, attended the spring high-school volleyball nationals, but...
Karasuno was defeated in the third round, and Nekoma was eliminated in the quarterfinals. Though both teams repeatedly played each other in practice matches, they never battled each other in a public arena.
Eventually, both coaches retired, subsequently, both teams plunged into a period of steady decline.
But now...
The rematch of destiny is about to begin!
Back to the present...
Hinata: "Kenma!" He called, running towards the yellow haired boy who was about to enter the vicinity for the practice match.
The latter looked at Hinata with no expression of surprise at all. It was as if he already knew.
"H-Hey, y-you're with N-N-Nekoma?!."
Kenma: "Oh. Yeah.." He answered shyly, directing his gaze off of the orange haired kid who was filled with shock.
Hinata: "Why didn't you tell me?.." The guy was basically slouching as he was really caught off guard by the revelation. His new random friend he made out of nowhere was somehow part of the rival team.
Kenma: "Because you didn't ask.."
Hinata: "But you've said.. 'see you later'.. You must've known something.."
Kenma: ".... Uhm, your T-shirt said 'Karasuno High School'.." He revealed as another lively voice joined in on their conversarion.
Φ?: "Hey, hey, hey.. What business might you have with our Setter?" He questioned rather intimidatingly, scaring Hinata.