Chapter 1: The Beginning

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" My son. You have now turned 18. You are now an adult," Dark Cacao stated.

Dark Cacao paced back and forth in a recreational room. Sitting on a pillow on the floor, was his 18 year old son, Dark Chocolate Cookie.

" So now," Dark Cacao continued, looked at Dark Choco. " You are of age to forgo the final task to become a true Cacao warrior." Dark Choco nodded.

" There is one simple objective to complete said task: hunt down one of the wild animals from the Licorice Forest. Preferably a cake hound. "

Dark Choco nodded again. They knew about the trial and was prepared to complete it. However, they knew what dangers resided in that forest. Cacao Hawks that could carry a cookie miles away into the air. Dire Cream Wolves that could tear even the most trained warriors apart in seconds. Not to mention the few animals that have darker coats of fur, those beast fear nothing.

Dark Choco, even thought they were nervous, was prepared for the final task to become a warrior.


Dark Cacao and Dark Choco stood on the outskirts of the Licorice Forest.

" Do you have everything you will need?" Dark Cacao asked Dark Choco. " Extra food? Milk? Some bandages and disinfectant? Sleeping Bag? Flare-"

Dark Choco interrupted, " Father, you need not to worry. I have trained all my life for this task, and I will complete it."

Dark Choco looks at their father and walked towards the forest. 

Once Dark Choco was out of sight, Dark Cacao sighed, mounted his horse, and rode off back to the castle. The horse Dark Choco used to get there following.


" So, Pure Vanilla" Holly Berry asked. " Why did you suddenly request us to come to your kingdom?"

It had been 2 days since Dark Choco began hunting in the Licorice forest. During said time, Dark Cacao had been requested to the Vanilla kingdom for an emergency meeting. The reason why not told to him.

" Are the Grink Goblins causing trouble?" Golden Cheese questioned. " Is there a foreign kingdom invading?"

"No, it's not any of that," Pure Vanilla stated. " It... Actually has something to do with White Lily."

Silence. Everyone shifted their eyes to the empty seat next to Pure Vanilla. The seat once resided by White Lily.


The 5 ancients were called to action after a series of Grink Goblin attacks on the local desert residence. The invade the Goblin base and had captured or killed a large majority of the goblins, the rest of which fled.

" PHEW! That should be the last of those pesky goblins," Holly Berry exclaimed, wiping her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand. " Excellent job on eliminating all the snipers Golden Cheese."

" Same with you and Cacao taking down that giant tank!" Golden Cheese replied.

While the two bickered, Dark Cacao, Pure Vanilla, and White Lily watched. These 3 also talking, complementing each other for their respective part in the elimination of the base.

However, unbeknownst to anyone, Golden Cheese had missed a single Goblin Sniper. The last sniper, the only Grink Goblin left in the base, was hiding in one of the towers. They had their rifle up, aiming at White Lily.

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