Chapter 4: Meanwhile, with the Twins

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How about a short break from the main plot, eh? 

How about we read about what's going on with Holly Berry's family?

(IDK, I just want to write about Princess and Tiger Lily in this small (not really) chapter) 


Holly Berry hopped out of the carriage that had taken Holly back to the Holly Berry kingdom after her visit to the Vanilla Kingdom.

Holly Berry was greeted by her son, Royal Berry Cookie, and his wife, Jungle Berry Cookie. 

" Hello, mother," Royal Berry greeted happily. 

" Greetings, Mrs. Holly Berry," Jungle Berry said. Jungle Berry greeted most people not directly related (if the cookie was Royal Berry, that is. Jungle Berry calls him "my little berry" (he's short). Don't mention to either of them that you know that-)

Holly Berry smiled," Hello to you! I see the kingdom is doing fine since my week long absence. Glad to see Pitaya Dragon hasn't burned this place to the ground!" 

Royal and Jungle Berry chuckled at the comment. Pitaya Dragon, whenever they come to the kingdom, tends to burn a place or two. ( Whether intentional or not. Depends on Pitaya's mood.)

" So, how is Pink Berry and Blue Lily doing?" asked Holly Berry. Holly absolutely adored her little grandchildren. 

Pink Berry was very similar to Holly berry. Not only for Pink's pink hair, but also because of her headstrong personality. Everyone in the kingdom thinks of Pink Berry as a clone of Holly Berry. 

Blue Lily is much calmer. She's very quite and is good at blending into the crowd. Blue Lily is also light on their feet and very good at sneaking around places. Royal Berry and Jungle Berry like to say that the skills Holly Berry gained from her time as a huntress were passed over to Blue Lily.

Both kids were very young, Pink Berry was 3 while Blue Lily was 4, born 1 year apart. They were very different from each other, yet they seem to get along well. 

Jungle and Royal both replied that the kids were doing great. 

" By the way, where are those two?" Holly Berry asked.

Jungle Berry replied, pointing to the door behind herself," Both children are playing in the garden-"

Suddenly, a yell of surprise was heard. Then screams. The 3 cookies rushed outside to the garden.

There, they were horrified to see a fully-grown Butter Tiger running through a hole in the fence surrounding the garden ( How the hell did a Butter Tiger bust a hole into a stone wall-). In it's mouth was 4 year old Blue Lily. On Blue Lily's face was a look of surprise as the Tiger quickly ran into the forest. 

Royal Berry stood still, shocked and horrified at what he had just saw. However, Holly and Jungle Berry broke into a run and sprinted after the tiger, along with about most of the guards in the garden. 

" COME BACK HERE WITH MY GRAND-DAUGTHER/DAUGHTER!" screamed Holly and Jungle Berry as the sprinted after the fleeing Butter Tiger. They ran after the tiger, even through the rough and dangerous terrain of the jungle. 

However, they were chasing a Butter Tiger in it's natural habitat. The tiger easily out-maneuvered them, even with Holly Berry's swiftness. 

Soon, they reached a cliff leading to a valley in the middle of the jungle, a remanent of either an earthquake or one of Holly Berry's battles with Pitaya. Jungle Berry and Holly were happy to see this. No way the Tiger could get away, the creature would have to  jump the thing to be able to escape. That was impossible...

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