Chapter 8: The Cave Home

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Hope you enjoy =) 


Red Velvet and another cookie named... Caramel Arrow? had entered the Licorice Forest, even with the gigantic pack of cream wolves still being there, to get Velvet's stuff from his home, which, might I remind you, was a cave on the outskirts of the forest, close to the cliffs leading into the Licorice forest. 

Normally, Red Velvet would have gone by himself, with just his trusted Chiffon at his side. However, Dark Cacao, Dark Choco, and basically everyone aware of the wolf situation, said that it would be best to have at least someone else come with him.

I mean, Red Velvet doesn't blame them. Even though Red Velvet is quite powerful in the category of brute strength, he doubts, in fact every doubts, he can face the equivalent of an army of Dire Cream Wolves. In fact, no one really could...

Okay, maybe Dark Cacao with the help of the other ancients, but no one's keen on testing that theory. 

So, everyone insisted that someone should accompany Red Velvet and Chiffon. Dark Choco probably would have gone, but they weren't exactly in the best, considering the missing arm.

( They haven't found the arm. Dark Choco theorizes the wolves ate it.) 

So, a cookie named Carmel Arrow volunteered to go with Red Velvet to his home to retrieve his stuff. 

" Thank you for coming with me," Red Velvet said to Caramel Arrow. " I'm surprised anyone even volunteered to go into the forest with the deadly army of Cream Wolves." 

" It is no problem, Red Velvet cookie," Caramel Arrow Cookie replied. " It is my sworn duty to help other cookies, even if that means going through a forest with a large pack of Cream Wolves." 

Red Velvet chuckled slightly. " I don't think we have to worry much about the Cream Wolves. My home is on the outskirts of the Licorice Forest, so not many wolves, or living things in general, live in the area." 

" You mean you live in the Cacao cliffs? Next to the Licorice Sea where the Cacao eagles live?" 

" Yeah, that place." 

" I am impressed that you have survived so long in that area. Most cookies perish to the harsh conditions." 

" I mean, I live at the bottom of the Cliffs, away from most of the Cacao eagles, closer to the sea. Yeah, that does mean I get attacked by goop monsters, but they aren't too difficult to deal with." 

" That's good to hear." 

" Yeah, that means we don't have to spend the entire time fighting of the monsters of the black/Licorice sea." 

To get to the cliff, the two cookies (+ one cake wolf) went through a secret, desolate path through the forest.

" I was unaware of this path existing." 

" I mean, most cookies enter directly through the valley." 

" Yeah, good point." 

After a while, the cookies and cake were eventually able to get to the outskirts of the valley. There, Red Velvet led them to their home, a small cave. 

Caramel noted things about the cave/home of Red Velvet. For one, there were multiple things that aren't usually in a cave, such as a crudely made wooden shelf. Caramel concluded that Red Velvet had made it himself. 

Another thing Caramel noted was the scent of flowers. That was odd. The only flowers known to grow in the entire continent were star jelly flowers. The only place Caramel knew this scent could be smelled was the Vanilla Kingdom and the Lily Valley. 

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