Chapter 6: The Milk Tribe

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WARNING: Someone will be getting mauled. 


Dark Choco has been in this forest for 2 months. 2 months. Where the hell have all the animals gone to? 

Dark Choco knew that they weren't the best at capturing animals, but this is ridicules! This has had to be the longest someone has been in this forest looking to hunt an animal. It's like the Frost Witch saw Dark Choco was hunting in the forest and decided to destroy almost all the animals in this forest at that moment. 

No matter. Focus on the task. Figure out what happened here later. 

Dark Choco was wandering the forest. They were doing their usual rounds in searching for wildlife. Checking the traps, which hadn't been set of, and having minor encounters with Red Velvet and Chiffon, who Dark Choco was being to think were the two only living beings in this forest. 

Even Red Velvet commented on the lack of animals. Luckily, the few berries that grew in the area could be eaten. Probably the only reason Dark Choco, Red Velvet, and Chiffon haven't starved yet. 

Anyway, Dark Choco was now wandering deep into the forest. They were checking a rope trap then had set up recently. 

Suddenly, a whoosh was heard and the sound of a White Chocolate deer was heard. 

"FINALLY!" Dark Choco thought excitedly. Finally, they caught something. Well, hopefully. But it's doubtable that Red Velvet would be this deep into the woods. 

Dark Choco quickly approached the source of the sound. There they found a white chocolate deer, hanging from a rope around their hind leg, struggling. 

Dark Choco's expression glowed with joy. Finally, they did it. Dark Choco quickly put the poor thing out of it's misery. 

Normally, warriors would strive to find more animals. But, due to the utter lack of wildlife in the forest, Dark Choco thinks their father would be find with him bringing home a single deer. 

Dark Choco cut the lifeless body of the deer from the tree, the animal hitting the snow. Dark Choco quickly climbed down to inspect the creature. 

Kneeling down, Dark Choco looked over the deer. It appeared to be a younger male with an incredibly white fur. Quite a catch.

Dark Choco picked up the body, ready to head back to their camp. 

That was, until Dark Choco heard the crowing of raisin crows.

Then a growl, a deep growl. 


" King Cacao. Thank you for coming to check on our humble village. It is a great honor for you to come here," the milk tribe leader greeted Dark Cacao. 

Dark Cacao was visiting the Milk Tribe to check on the construction of the wall. The Cacao kingdom wall was being extended to the Milk Tribe's territory to help protect the area from attacks from creatures that came out of the Licorice sea. 

" The pleasure is shared, chieftain," Dark Cacao replied. " I see that the tribe is doing much better then it did 2 years ago."

"Yes. Thanks to your wall, attacks on the tribe have basically stopped." The chieftain said. 

Dark Cacao commented, " I have heard that your hunters have been unable to hunt any animals from the local forest."

" Yes, there has been a surprising lack of animals in the forest," the chieftain replied. " But that is not an issue. Our tribe has other ways to gain food beside meat." 

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