Chapter 7: The Red Cookie

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What is going on? 

Why does everything hurt?

Oh god. It hurts so bad. Like thousands of needles pricking Dark Choco while also being stabbed with a sword. 

What happened? 

Oh yes. The wolves. The wolves. 

Wait, what's this? 

Warmth? Was someone picking them up?

Whoever's arms were picking them up, they were surprisingly soft. Like the fur of a... Never mind.

Wait, another voice? Who was this? Where were they? 

Whoever was carrying Dark Choco seems to be running. But where? Were they screaming? 

Then more voices, many voices. Dark Choco seems to be in some kind of settlement. 

Dark Choco was placed on somethings soft, a bed I think. Then the warmth of the fur left. Aw, they actually liked that.

Then, a new warmth. Not like the other warmth. This was relieving. Like being in hot water. It was amazing. Like all the stress Dark Choco picked up in life suddenly evaporated. 

The pain was gone. Only soreness remained. 

This warmth was felt for at least 10 more blissful minutes. Then it left. A deep slumber came.

Dark Choco had no idea how long they were like this. It felt like a second, but was probably an hour or 2. 

Suddenly, a wet thing glazed up their face. It felt like a tounge. 

Dark Choco opened their eyes. 


There was Chiffon, Red Velvet Cookie's friend. They were laying on the bed, with a happy expression on their face. 


" What happened?!" Dark Cacao questioned the giant red cookie and the smaller milk cookie.

After stopping to process the sight of his son's mangled body, Dark Cacao immediately ran after the procession of cookies. When he had arrived to the healer tent, Dark Choco was already being healed inside. The only cookies that were outside were the two cookies that had brought Dark Choco to the healing tent.

" Well, you see," the red cookie began. " That cookie in the tent is a cookie named Dark Choco. They-"

The milk cookie turned to the red giant and whispered something to them. Dark Cacao couldn't tell exactly what they were saying, but based on the words "son of" and his own name, he could tell that the cookie was telling the other of his relationship with Dark Choco. 

The red cookie looked surprised and slightly embarrassed by this information. Strange, most cookies know that Dark Choco was Dark Cacao's son. How did this cookie not know..?

Not important right now.

" Sorry, didn't know you two were related," the red cookie apologized. "Anyway, so, Dark Choco was attacked by a big pack of cream wolves. I found them on the ground, bleeding out with an arm missing." 

The milk cookie continued, " I ran into the two while on the outskirts of the village and we ran here."

So that's what happened. That explained and confirmed a lot. The milk chieftain's theory about the cake wolves were correct. It would also explain why Dark Choco spent so long in that forest; that giant pack of cream wolves probably hunted everything into hiding. 

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