Chapter 3: The Dire Cream Puppy

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It was the next day. The snowstorm had subsided and the forest had an extra 1 1/2 inches of snow on the ground. The forest was silent. 

Dark Choco woke up slightly dazed. They were confused, wondering what was wrapped around them that gave off such warmth. Then, they remembered what had happened the day before. 

Dark Choco looked up to see the face of Red Velvet. Red Velvet was also asleep, with a very peaceful look on his face. 

Dark Choco carefully got up, trying not to wake the sleeping cookie up. They then got out of tent to see what had happened, what damage was caused by the Blizzard.

When Dark Choco looked around, they saw a mass amount of branches scattered about the snow. To their relief, it appeared that the food, which had forgotten to take out of the tree, was still hanging from the branch, not eaten by any animals. 

Suddenly, a small bark was heard and a small creature rubbed up against their leg. 


Red Velvet was suddenly awoken by noises, coming from outside the tent. As he rubbed his eyes in a drowsed state, Red Velvet recognized one of the voices. Dark Choco. 

He focused on the voice of Dark Choco, wondering what they were saying. It appeared as if Dark Choco was talking to someone, asking why said someone was there. Dark Choco also seemed to be slightly panicked. 

Then, Red Velvet heard yipping and barking. A cake hound! What was a cake hound doing in this area? Not many animals cake hounds eat are around the cliffs. 

Wait a second... Could it be... No... No way they wandered all the way out here?!


A cake hound puppy. What and why was it here? Dark Choco asked themself this. 

Cake hounds don't come to this area, not many animals are here? And plus, this was a puppy. That means... A mother hound.

Dark Choco also noticed that the puppy was a Dire Cream Wolf pup. Oh crap, that means a DIRE CREAM WOLF MOTHER AND PACK! This is not good. Not good at all-

" Chiffon!?" a sudden exclamation snapped Dark Choco out of their panicked state. They turned to see Red Velvet had woken up, a smile on his face. 

The Cream Wolf puppy barked in excitement. It ran up past Dark Choco and into the arms of a cheerful Red Velvet. 

Red Velvet lifted the wolf puppy up, a wide smile on his face. 

" Chiffon! How did you get here so fast, even through the blizzard!"

Wait, Red Velvet knew this cream puppy?


Red Velvet was certainly an odd cookie. 

Pure Vanilla had found a scrapbook filled with pictures. Some of the pictures were of White Lily and the other ancients, others were of flowers from the Valley of Lilies. However, the most recent of the pictures appeared to be of White Lily and her mysterious child, Red Velvet. 

Pure Vanilla scoured the pictures, studying the details of Red Velvet so it would be easier to find them.

Pure Vanilla had listed the features of the cookie that will most likely help in locating them:

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