Chapter 2: Unexpected Catch

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Dark Choco trekked through the snowy forest. Their first objective, before hunting anything, was to find somewhere to shelter. That was vital to survival in this wilderness.

Eventually, they did find some shelter. An opening in the forest underneath a rocky cliff. Although it wasn't as good as a cave would be, there are basically no caves in the forest. The few that existed probably had Chocolate Bears in them. You don't want to mess with Chocolate Bears. They can tear you to pieces.

Chocolate bear attacks aren't common, but not unheard of. 

Dark Choco quickly set up their tent and sleeping bag. They had a quick snack of bread and dried/salted gummy fish before gathering up rope and other traps to capture animals.

Dark Choco walked around the area of their camp, setting up trap after trap. From simple trigger traps where a rope wraps around the animal and carries them up to bear traps for the off chance a cream wolf or other large animal happened to stumble by.

Once Dark Choco had finished setting up all the traps, they went back to their campsite. They started a small fire with the few dry sticks they could find and surrounded it with rocks.

On the fire, Dark Choco cooked a little portion of herb soup. However, it sooner dawned on Dark Choco that they made a little too much Herb soup. By the time they were satisfied (as satisfied as you can get with bitter-tasting soup), they still had some soup left over.

No matter. They took out a thermostat that they had and stored the leftover soup in there.

Dark Choco extinguished the fire. They hung their food on one of the nearby trees and went inside their tent to sleep.


Dark Choco woke up about the time the sun rose. They took their food down from the tree and ate some more of the bread and dried gummy fish.

However, when Dark Choco replaced the food in its original place, the sound of rustling leaves filled the forest. Seems a large animal has entered the area.


Dark Choco drew their sword and quietly headed towards the direction of the creature. Whatever it was seemed to be heading towards one of the traps they placed. This was going surprising well.

Suddenly, the sound of a rope rubbing against a branch and something being lifted up was heard.

Yes! Whatever creature was going through the area was captured. This was perfect! The creature yelped as it was pulled into the air-

Wait a minute.

Animals don't yelp, at least like that. That was the yelp of a cookie!

Dark Choco was both disappointed and confused. Just as they got their hopes up that they would get a wild beast, nope. It wouldn't have been that easy. But still, why was there a cookie just wandering around the forest? Are they lost? Do they not know of the dangers in this forest?

Cautiously, Dark Choco approached the location of the captured cookie. When they got closer to the area, they noticed the cookie that had been captured had red hair and was wearing something green. 

Once they got to the tree in which they laid the trap, behind the other cookie, they saw that the green thing they saw was actually a cape. 

Warmth In the Winter: A Cookie Run Kingdom FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now