Chapter 5: Hunter

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Now, let us check back in with Dark Choco.


As the days past, Dark Choco went deeper and deeper into the woods in search for something to catch. For a forest that is supposed to be one of the few forest with an abundance of creatures, it's been a challenge for Dark Choco to find any.

Either they came at a bad time or Dark Choco just had crap for luck. Then again, they were never very good at locating animals by themselves without guidance.

No matter. Dark Choco will complete this task. Their honor and the honor of the Cacao royal family relies on Dark Choco finishing this.

Dark Choco, after a month of hunting, had finally found a living creature in this stupid forest. 

A white chocolate deer was peacefully grazing on the little foliage peering out of the snow. These weren't uncommon to find, but they are often hunted by Dire Cream Wolf packs. If the white chocolate deer was here, there might be a pack here. 

No matter. Focus on the task at hand. Capture the deer. 

Dark Choco hid behind a thick tree with some bushes around it. They quietly stalked the deer from behind,  waiting for a chance to strike them. 

Then, the opportunity came. The deer looked down and began to peacefully graze. Dark Choco leaped from their hiding spot. 


A rustle of bushes. A hoof hitting the snow. The deer nimbly avoided the attack and slipped away with flashing speed. 

Dark Choco sighed. They should have been more careful when stalking the creature. Should have been more quiet.

Dark Choco sighed. They got up and began to go in the direction of the deer, not wanting to loose sight of the only living creature they have encounter in this forest.

Well, besides the trees, flowers, bushes, and Chiffon and Red Velvet, but still.


Another encounter. Another strike. More fleeing. More failure.  

Dark Choco had failed to kill the deer, again. This was the 4th time they had attempted to catch it. 

Dark Choco was getting agitated. Very agitated. Why did they keep missing. Why were they inept at this simple task? A complete failer-

" You do realized that just sneaking up on the deer isn't going to work, right?" a voice interrupted. " White Chocolate deer know about that tactic since cake hounds use it often. The deer know that it's best to flee once ambushed, and they can run fast."

Dark Choco turned around in surprise. There stood Red Velvet. Next to him being Chiffon, wagging their tail happily.

" Oh... Hello Red Velvet." 

" Hi Dark Chocolate. I saw you were able to track down a White Chocolate deer. I also saw you were struggling to capture it."

" Well..." Dark Choco sighed. " I have been."

" I could show you how to capture it. Then you could bring it back with you."

" As much as I appreciate the offer of you capturing the deer, I must refuse. It would be dishonorable to secretly have someone catch the animal for you. However, I will accept the offer of you to teach me how to capture the animal."

Red Velvet smile. Dark Choco smiling too. Chiffon barked happily.


" So... Why are we in a tree?"

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