Chapter 9: What Did I Miss-

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Hope you enjoy =)


" Pure Vanilla, calm down-" 


Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao were talking outside of Dark Choco's room. Pure Vanilla was freaking out over the potential of meeting White Lily's secret child while Dark Cacao was trying, and failing, to calm him down. 

Meanwhile, the guards, Dark Choco, Holly Berry, Golden Cheese, and everyone else, were standing awkwardly. Some tried to ignore it. Others attempted to listen in. 

Dark Choco was very confused. They had been in the forest for a month, so they were unaware of what the hell was going on in the world. Luckily, they had two aunts that did know what was going on.

" So..." Dark Choco began. " White Lily had a child?" 

" Supposedly," Golden Cheese answered. " Pure Vanilla found a picture of White Lily and some kid in White Lily's house. Normally, I wouldn't believe it. But considering it's Pure Vanilla, the best friend of White Lily and the most honest cookie in the universe, it's probably true." 

" Well," Dark Choco said. " Now that I think about it, Red Velvet did have a cloak that looked very similar to Aunt Lily's cloak." 

Holly Berry added," Did the cloak smell faintly like lilies? If so, then it probably was White Lily's cloak." 

Dark Choco thought for a couple seconds. Thinking of the smell of fresh lilies that rose from Red Velvet's cloak. The faint, sweet aroma of spring and pollen that came from that cloak.

" Yeah," Dark Choco said. " I think that cloak was Aunt Lily's." 

" Well then, now we know that the kid probably isn't dead. But where are they?" 

" Oh, he went back into the forest to get his stuff from his home in the Cacao Cliffs."

" The Cacao Cliffs! Cacao eagle central?" Holly Berry exclaimed. 

" Dang, I hate those things," Golden Cheese grumbles. " Whenever I try to take a shortcut through the cliffs to the Citadel, I'm always attacked by those cursed Cacao Eagles." 

" I mean, Cacao Eagles do eat small birds-" 

" Dark Choco, as you aunt, I love you. But please shut up." 

" Okay, Okay." 

Awkward silence.

" So," Dark Choco continued. " How are things back at your kingdoms, aunts? Aunt Holly, how are Pink Berry and Blue Lily?"


Holly's expression darkened, her eyes glossy.

Golden Cheese stood there, horrified that Dark Choco brought up the twins. Them again, they  didn't know what happened.

" Um," Dark Choco said, surprised and concerned. " Did  I miss something?" 

" Um, Dark Choco," Holly Berry said. " You see, 2 weeks ago, the twins were playing in the courtyard. Somehow, a butter tiger got in and..."

" ... Took Blue Lily," Holly Berry said, tears building up.

Blue Lily was dead

Blue Lily was dead.

Blue Lily was Dead. 

Dark Choco felt like they had been punched in the gut, then stabbed about 20 times. 

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