Part 7

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Lilith watched as Zoe prepared a few shots for Levi to make him feel better so his symptoms wouldn't be so bad while she figured out what he was sick with. the commander had also grabbed a small needle to take some of his blood with. she was curious though, nobody has ever seen the captain around needles. even when hes bleeding he goes to his own private doctor to get fixed up. "alright come with me. its a good thing you came to me. I assume Erwin's already been told that Levi's out of commission."

nodding to her question Lilith walked with her to Levi's room and found him coughing up even worse than before. pouring some water for him she helped him drink it while he was coughing and sighed once his coughing fit stopped, sitting next to him she rubbed his cheek gently and smiled. "its gonna be ok love..were gonna find out whats going on alright..." she saw the look in his eyes when he spotted what Zoe had brought and pulled him into her lap. she whispered into his ear trying to calm him down. 

"Lilith please dont let Zoe poke me with those..ill do anything else but let the section commander poke me with those needles..." Zoe noticed his fear and finally realized why he always left. she set them down so she could close the door knowing he would kick her if anyone else found out "this is why you always leave when its time...Its ok Levi..just relax and it will be over quick..." she brought the needles closer and you would never know Levi was sick or that he was in pain from how quickly he got off of the bed. 

Lilith grabbed him before he could go anywhere and sighed. "love...Its ok...Im right here..your not sit next to me and dont look..." Levi looked even more pale than before but didn't stop trying to squirm away. "hey hey hey..stop squirming...I may be your dominant and your partner but dont think I wont hold you down..." Levi stopped moving real quick and looked at Lilith holding onto her tight. he didn't move from her lap but he did turn sideways so he could hide his face from them both. 

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