1:08am- I got back into journaling what plants can be used for what purpose. I now know that plantain weeds can be used not only as a sort of medicine but also as nutritional food as long as you cook the leaves first. Gotta be fast about cooling them down though otherwise the heat will continue to cook them thus removing some nutritional value and flavor. Dandelions, I already know about them so I technically don't have to journal them but I will for a reminder incase I forget anything. I'll need to put the same info in my other travel journals as well that way it won't quite matter which bag I take because they'll all have helpful info.
[i just picked dried wax from my right ear and apparently cut my ear canal a bit cz now it's bleeding]
I'm also documenting how to use various herbs as medicine so I don't have to depend on a CVS pharmacies or grocery stores to get medication. White willow bark for example I read can be used as a natural painkiller but it's also toxic for kids so it's best that only adults use it when they're in pain. The inner bark is typically what you'd go for as either tea or a chew (meaning you don't swallow)
[It's now the 16th cz I forgot to post yesterday.]
That moment when you want to watch apocalyptic movies (like "the fifth wave") but don't know where to find it for free and YouTube only has crappy movies. It snowed here, now it's raining so it'll likely freeze over and be too hazardous to drive tomorrow which means I'll have to do a virtual therapy session -_- I hate having to do virtual anything. Sadly my sister doesn't have tomorrow off like she was suppose to so now I have to be "mommy 2" for my nephew against. She's just so inconsiderate of my hearing sensitivity, it's she thinks hearing really well means I can be around her son when she's screaming bloody murder in my ear. More like I can literally feel the sound waves moving in the air molecules and it hurts. The other day, she asked if I still liked living with her and if it was still stress free, I lied and said yes. When I leave, I'm leaving a note to maybe hopefully make her realize how terrible it is for me personally. I'm also gonna mention my views about Covid since it's impossible to have an actual discussion with her because if she assumes something is BS from the start, nothing will change her mind so I can't be honest about it and share my views. Plus, her loud "in your face" type of talking pisses me off so then I'm forced to stay silent to calm myself down. She has that million mile stare and thinks I'm the idiot just because I'm autistic. Every autism negative comment she makes (especially involving Covid) paints the picture that she knows nothing about autism and neglects to actually learn. She believes she knows best, I believe she is a poison and based on the food she gives her son I know for a fact that she is poisoning him too. Plus he's dramatic too whenever he doesn't get what he wants, he'll literally scream cry while throwing himself backwards or if he's standing, he'll throw his arms up and head back in the process of dropping himself to the ground.. the times I've had to mask my discomfort and prevent him from getting hurt due to his own actions -_-. If you're carrying him while he gets upset, you literally have to catch him because he'll throw his head back and let himself fall like a limp noodle the if you don't catch him, he gets hurt and you get blamed for letting him get hurt. I really hope he grows out of the limp noodle-ness otherwise he'll get hurt often if nobody is careful. There's also how he is when he's done playing with something (depending on what it is), he'll throw it behind him or he'll decide to test out gravity whether the thing breaks or not. Then when he wants to play with something he broke and sees that it's not working how he wants, he'll act like it's the end of the world and be his dramatic self. Living with my sister was okay at first, now I hate it.
My supernatural journal
Non-FictionBased on my experiences and the experiences of others I've met