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11:05pm- My sister is no longer invited to my future wedding.

I got the job and when I told her I asked for mask accommodations, she called me a "Drama Queen Liar" (that's her though), forced me to wear a mask just to see if I'd faint after 2 seconds (I did not since it takes someone longer than 2 seconds to faint from lack of oxygen). She decided my issue was more of a sensory thing assuming I just didn't like stuff on my face (explain the way I sleep then). Then she talked loud at me saying asthmatic people are pissed at other people for complaining about not being able to breathe (indirectly called me the C-word; a word used to describe lady bits). Called autism a disease again to which I told her to stop and her excuse was that she couldn't think of a better word, how about "neurotype" since it doesn't take much thinking to realize that's what it is. She then went on to say that I'm not getting "proper" help with my autism through my therapist. (He helps with trauma, anxiety, depression and I think anger issues; I have anger issues).  The more she talks out of her ass, the more I want to slap her with reality, leave and never see her again. 

She even compared our genetics as if we're twins saying if I had issues, she'd know. Then she compared me to her autistic friend just cz we have similar traits. Comparing someone to others is so toxic. She reminds me that our parents weren't the best yet she goes and acts worse. Our parents weren't the best but they never compared me to others (at least not to my face). My sister doesn't want to lose me because we're genetically related. Well I don't want her in my life in the future. 

When I first mentioned how masks are for me, she immediately assumed nobody has problems with masks in terms of breathing. She really needs to get out more. 

[Her: I don't watch the news or go on social media because it's all propaganda and meaningless 

Also her: new info? Lies! I refuse to consider it.]

Hypercritical closed minded bitch.

She's extremely wrong to compare our genetics, I'm the one who's in a community society wasn't designed for while she's like "you need to learn coping skills so you can survive" how about society's need to adjust to our existence and allow us to be who we are without backlash for being born.

And get this, she thinks sensory issues can be trained to not be a bother anymore. That's some ableist bullsh**. 

I hate her. Every bad encounter with her has my heart beating intensely because she doesn't get it while acting like she does. I can't have an actual conversation with her about anything she doesn't like because she won't hear me over the volume of her loud talking (I once read that those who raise their voice, don't have much on their mind). She's incapable of reasoning.


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