Origin: India & Pakistan
Pichal Peri is an urban legend from India and Pakistan.
The female demonic figure impersonates and disguises as beautiful brides, luring men into a deathly and horrifying trap.
The name Pichal Peri roughly translates into Back-footed - this is because Pichal Peri's feet point backward.
They say that if you shout "Pichal Peri" while being close to the woods, she will appear in front of you. However, the outcome of the said encounter is unknown - some say she comes and goes without causing any harm, others say she attacks the callers.
There are two variations of Pichal Peri:
In the first variation, as mentioned above, the Pichal Peri appears as a beautiful bride asking men for help. The men help her, but as soon as anyone sees her feet, she disappears without causing harm.
In the second variation, Pichal Peri turns into a demonic witch, who is twenty feet tall with a long face, has dirty nails, a hunchback, wears bloodied clothes, has large circular eyes, and black hair that covers her face.
Villagers, especially elders, believe that locals and tourists often go missing when they go to the woods alone at the wrong time - they are never found.
The villagers blame Pichal Peri for the disappearances.
They believe that some of the mountain peaks are extremely haunted by these demonic beings, and that is why many mountain climbers go missing.

Urban Legends
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