La Ciguapa

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Origin: Dominican Republic

La Ciguapa is an urban legend about a mythological creature who usually appears in the night. 

These nymph-like creatures supposedly live in the caves and forests of the Dominican Republic's mountainous regions and they communicate with a distinctive wail. 

She is commonly described as having a human female form with dark or blue skin and slanted black eyes. She has long lustrous hair that covers her otherwise naked body.

Her feet are described as being faced backward.

Ciguapas are considered to be magical beings, beautiful in appearance to some, yet horrendous to others. They are compared to mermaids; beautiful yet cruel, and far from innocent. Deceitful and ready to capture the wayward traveler, it is said that they are so beautiful as to lure men into the forest, have sex with them and then kill them afterwards. 

 Some people say that Ciguapas are the bringers of death, and it is said that one should not look them in the eye, otherwise the person is at risk of being bewitched permanently.

Lore states, that the only way to capture a Ciguapa is by tracking them at night, during a full moon, with a black-white polydactyl dog. 

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