Origin: Japan
Betobeto-san is a popular Japanese ghost who makes the sound of footsteps following you when you are walking alone at night.
Have you ever had the feeling that someone was following you? Have you heard the sound of footsteps creeping up close behind you? If so, it was probably Betobeto-san. He is an invisible ghost who makes the sound of footsteps following you down a lonely street at night...
Beto... Beto... Beto... Beto...
If you hear him, you should politely say, "Betobeto-san, osakini okoshi" which means "Betobeto-san, please pass in front".
In Japan, he is one of the most popular ghosts because he is not dangerous, and girls think he is cute. In Sakaiminato, there is a statue of Betobeto-san, and people leave coins in his mouth for good luck.
Urban Legends
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