Origin: Ohio
The Mongoloid House is located on Salem Road in Marion County, Ohio. It is an old, broken-down house with a barn beside it. They say it's haunted. According to the urban legend, a Civil War veteran who lived there killed his wife, set the house on fire, and then hung himself.
Everyone in Marion County, Ohio has heard the legend of the Mongoloid House. Today, the house is abandoned and there is graffiti on the walls saying "Leave while you can!" and "This is hell!" According to the legend, the house was the site of a number of gruesome murders and it is now said to be haunted.
As the story goes, the first occupants of the house were a Civil War veteran and his wife. The couple couldn't have kids, but when the wife suddenly got pregnant, the husband was suspicious. She ended up giving birth to two children, a boy, and a girl. However, the children were deformed.
The husband refused to believe that the children were his and became convinced that his wife had been cheating on him. One terrible night, the couple had a fight and the man flew into a rage. He killed his wife with a shotgun, then he set the house on fire and hung himself from the rafters.
Somehow, the children escaped from the blaze and they continued to live in the burned-out shell of a house, surrounded by the charred corpses of their parents. As the years passed, the children grew up and had children of their own. With each successive generation, the children that were born became more and more deformed.
They say that back in the 1960s, the family who lived on the property was peculiar-looking, with hunched backs, high foreheads, big heads, stocky builds, and close-set eyes. Some people claimed that the family was mentally challenged or handicapped.
Teenagers would often drive by the house and antagonize the family by honking their horns or harassing them by shining flashlights on the house. The people in the house would come running out and throw rocks at the cars and beat on them with baseball bats.
The family would often be seen hanging from trees like monkeys or jumping out of ditches at passersby. Some say they would fire shotguns into the air as a warning or even shoot at cars. Others claimed they had paths through fields and would use them to cut through and come out in front of your car, blocking you. If you got out of your car, they would chase you down and kill you.
Today, the Mongoloid house is abandoned and nobody knows what happened to that family. They say that if you visit the barn, you might hear strange noises and smell the stench of sulfur in the second story. The house is also said to be haunted, and if you go into the basement of the house for more than two to five minutes, you start to feel invisible hands touching you.

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