Bloody Bill

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Bloody Bill is a scary legend about a Confederate soldier named William Anderson who was killed during the American Civil War. They say that if you chant his name ten times, the ghost of Bloody Bill will return to seek his revenge.

Years ago, in the 1860s, there was a man named William Anderson who lived in Missouri. He had a wife and two sons and was considered a good family man. Even though he didn't make much money, he always tried to buy his family whatever they wanted.

When the Civil War broke out, Bill decided it was his duty to go and fight as a Confederate soldier. He kissed his wife and sons goodbye and they cried bitterly as they watched him ride off across the plains.

When the Confederate army was pushed out of Missouri, he became a guerilla soldier, fighting on the side of the South against the Union soldiers. Before long, his skills in guerilla warfare made him one of the most feared fighters in the South, frequently leading raids behind enemy lines.

However, Bill's life was soon to take a turn for the worse. His mother was killed by a lightning strike and his brother was killed by Native American Indians. Despite all of this, Bill remained stoic, but he was unaware that even more tragedy was to strike his family.

Union soldiers decided to put an end to Bill's raids into their territory. They arrested his father and his uncle and executed them. Then, they arrested his three sisters and imprisoned them in a three-story building in Kansas. One night, the building collapsed, killing everyone inside. Bill's sisters were crushed to death in the rubble.

After learning about the horrible deaths of his sisters, they say that something snapped inside Bill Anderson. He was driven out of his mind by grief and became obsessed with exacting a violent revenge. Many people say that the loss of his entire family turned Bill into a sadistic and psychopathic killer.

Bill went on a rampage, traveling all over Missouri and leaving a bloody trail of torture and death in his wake. He became notorious for the brutality and savagery of his tactics. He slaughtered huge numbers of Union soldiers and showed no mercy or remorse. He was often described as the "bloodiest man in America's deadliest war".

His exploits earned him the nickname "Bloody Bill". After killing a man he would then proceed to shoot out their eyes, cut off their ears, and scalp them of their hair. They say that after every battle, Bill's face would be completely covered in blood and he greatly enjoyed inflicting fear and suffering on his victims. However, he always made a point of sparing the lives of women and young girls.

Union soldiers were determined to put an end to Bill's murder spree. They hired a scout to track him down and set up an ambush. Bloody Bill and his band of raiders were taken by surprise and didn't stand a chance. One of the Union soldiers shot Bloody Bill in the side of the head, knocking him off his horse. As he lay dying in the dirt, they swarmed around him. Before Bill had a chance to scream, he was stabbed to death.

The soldiers picked up Bloody Bill's body and slung it over the back of a horse. Then, the soldiers took Bill's body to his house, where his family was eagerly waiting for him. The soldiers cut off Bill's head and threw it in front of his wife and sons. His family screamed in horror and pain of losing their husband and father. As if that wasn't enough, the soldiers also cut off Bill's finger and stole his wedding ring.

After witnessing all that, Bill's wife went insane, she couldn't live with the loss of her husband. Days after, she hung her two sons from the rafters and then killed herself as well.

According to the legend, Bloody Bill's house still stands today and his restless soul still wanders around, determined to seek revenge. They say that if you chant his name ten times in the dark and go to sleep, Bloody Bill will appear at the foot of your bed and wait for you to wake up. They say that he stands tall, face rotting and covered in blood. His eyes glow red like the devil's. And once you unfortunately wake up, Bloody Bill will hunt you down and kill you the same way he was killed.

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