Origin: Morocco
Aicha Kandisha is a female mythological figure, some also say Jinn, from Moroccan folklore. Aicha Kandisha is usually depicted as a beautiful young woman with the legs of a hoofed animal - a camel, a donkey, or a goat.
She is said to have beautiful locks, voluminous breasts, wide hips, and long legs that are hoofs. She has gorgeous eyes and a gaze that bewitches people.
She generally lives near water sources, and she is said to seduce young men with her beauty, only to kill or madden them.
Her beauty and enchantment hide her hideous nature from her victims. She lurks on the banks of the River Sebu, around the Aquedal at Marrakech. And there, she patiently awaits for her victim. Once a man is foolish enough to fall into her trap, she shows him her true side. There is no escape for him from Aicha Kandisha. She takes the man underwater and eats him.
Some even say that Aicha Kandisha can shapeshift - she can turn into any animal, even her victims' spouses.
It is said that Aicha Kandisha hates humans, and whoever crosses her path is doomed. Yet, it is also said that if a man manages to satisfy Aicha Kandisha somehow, he gets released back into our world with rich gifts.
Some people believe she is the daughter of Sidi Shamharush, the king of the Jinn.
However, it is also said that Aicha Kandisha was one of the first Moroccan resistance fighters in history. They say Aicha was the beautiful daughter of an important member of the Souss tribe.
According to the story, as Morocco was weakened in the 16th century, it grew to be a target for European intruders. That's when Aicha decided to fight back. She would lure European soldiers with her beauty, and then Aicha's accomplices would kill them.
She was once spotted luring Portuguese men, and that is when the Portuguese decided to take revenge - they murdered her family. Aicha was broken, however, she soon gained her strength back. She decided to join the men at war against Portugal.
After her death, Aisha Kandisha still wanders in the area, attacking men. You can only recognize her by her hoofs. Men who recognize her can run away. However, those who give in and get enchanted by her beauty never see another day.

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