The Little Boy is a creepy true story about a young boy named Larry, who was lost when his father's truck crashed in the desert and he was trapped inside. Nobody knows if it was real or just a hoax.
One hot, sweltering summer, many years ago, people who lived in New Mexico began picking up strange messages on their CB radios. The messages were from a little boy who said his name was Larry and he was asking for help. He said that his father had been taking him to hunt rabbits. They were in the desert, miles from nowhere when the red and white pickup truck they were driving ran off the road. The truck flipped over and they were trapped inside. His father was lying on top of him and wasn't moving.
The messages were reported to the local authorities and the police launched a search for the little boy in the foothills of New Mexico. Even though some people thought it was a hoax, the police took it seriously. This child might have been somewhere in the desert.
However, Larry had no idea where he was. He was struggling to answer questions and became confused easily. Some people thought that perhaps he had a head injury. He said his legs and knees had been hurt in the crash.
By the second day, Larry was not transmitting regularly. Other people joined in the conversation on their CB radios. Some of them were concerned citizens who honestly wanted to help. Others were hecklers who wanted to make fun of Larry.
Some of them tried to ask questions that might pinpoint where exactly in the desert the truck had crashed. They asked Larry what he remembered and what had he seen before the truck flipped over. Others would just scream and call him fake.
By the third day, Larry's voice was growing weaker. He said his father hadn't moved at all and searchers were sure the man must have died. Hecklers taunted him, shouting, "DIE! DIE! DIE!" Shortly afterward, Larry's transmissions faded away and he was never heard from again.
The police didn't have much to go on and the case remained unsolved. A family who had a son named Larry was reported missing, but eventually, they were found in a different city, alive and well. The police never came across an overturned truck in the desert that seemed to fit the description. However, there was nobody inside.
In the end, the police called off the search. Was it all a hoax? Or are the skeletal remains of a little boy named Larry still lying undiscovered somewhere in the New Mexico desert today? Perhaps we will never know.
A/N: Hello! I hope you all are doing well! I received a lot of private messages from you asking me to continue writing, some even asking me if I was alright - since I didn't write for a very long time. I'm doing great - your girl got into Uni and is studying midwifery! I'm writing my first exams soon, so I've been a bit stressed. I decided to give you some more urban legends before I disappear again to study for my exams.
Thank you so much for all the love, worry, and positive feedback, I am really thankful to ya'll <3
Love ya,
Urban Legends
HorrorUrban legends and myths from around the world will be published here.