Chapter 13; unwelcome visitor

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*Waves* hi :) Sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

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It took a minute for Harper to realize what she had done. Another for the blood to stop roaring in her ears and for her to register the shock on Hades' face. Dread filled her belly at the sight of his mouth, slightly agape. The beast within her content, smug at the sight of the bite mark in the crook of their mate's neck.


The human side pushed back the satisfaction, faced with the reality that she had marked Hades without consent.

"You bit me," Hades murmured. Eyes scanned her face as his blood dripped onto her collar bone. She could still taste him, feel the richness of his blood coating her tongue.

"Yes," Harper swallowed back the nerves, all too aware of her nakedness, of what they had just done.

"Marked me," he clarifies as if there was a need for it.

"I know," she nodded, her throat suddenly dry as his eyes flashed.

He sat up, roughly tousling his dark as it dripped with water. Harper watched and held her breath. Her heart pounded so loudly that she thought the whole castle surely heard it. If only she had been more careful, if only she had thought things through. If only, if only, if-

Harper sat up as she realized Hades was laughing. His shoulders shook and eyes glimmered with unshed tears. At the sight of her confused expression, he roared, laughing so hard that his breath came out in small bursts, sounding as if his lungs had collapsed.

With every laugh, Harper's concern turned to anger. He was laughing at her. After she had just bit him! And all he could do was laugh?

"Why is that funny?" Harper demanded.

"It's just," he laughed some more, "just," he waved his hand at her as if that was explanation enough.

Harper's frown only deepened.

"So me?"

That only set him off on another spiral of laughter. Snarling, Harper stood, her beast now pushing against her skin. She was a prideful thing and did not find it particularly funny to be laughed at after mating. The stupid wolf thought it had everything to do with nothing having their fur brushed rather than Hades own inexplicable issues.

She huffed, grabbed a nearby plush white towel, and wrapped it around herself.

Hades stopped laughing. He watched her, leaned back on his elbows. Heat raced to her cheeks at the sight of his body, and she quickly averted her eyes. It was one thing to touch it but a whole other thing to look at it.

He snickered. "Come now, Harper. Don't be angry, I was only teasing you."

Harper's frown turned into a scowl. At this, he stood. She looked anywhere but at him as he walked to her, even as his fingers clasped her chin and lifted her face up to his.

"I am honored to wear your mark upon my soul," he murmured after what seemed like a lifetime had passed, "and anyone who says anything about it will soon find themselves obliterated."

She huffed once more, though this time half-heartedly. The pulsating nerves eased within her; her beast was satisfied at the answer. The human side, however, was another matter. Harper was embarrassed. She could barely meet his eyes knowing that they'd still shine with mirth, knowing that not so long ago she had moaned his name and begged for release.

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