Chapter 7; naughty Hades

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Yoohoo *waves.* Another semi timed update? I know, I'm shocked too. Anyway, before you continue reading I just wanted to thank all of you for the positive feedback in the last chapter. It means a lot! Oh, and since I haven't said this already; not all of the mythology will be accurate. I've adjusted things to make them fit this story so if you see something that does no usually come with a certain myth, I promise it's not a mistake and that I am not an uneducated numpty lol! I've done my research ;) Enjoy x

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"You're lying," Harper gasped, taking a step away from the man before her. "None of it makes sense."

Hades cocked his head to the side. "Am I, though? Why else would I have asked for a newborn baby? That bargain could have given me anything and I chose the thing that benefitted me most."

"You're lying!" She screamed, fangs tearing through her gums, anger channeling her wolf. "Mum said you were remorseful, that you didn't want to_"

"Of course I was remorseful," Hades snapped back. He tore his hand through his hair, his nostrils flaring. "Any decent person would be. I didn't want to take a child away from a parent but the bargain entailed a life for a life. She bargained to bring Colden back from the dead, Princess. A life had to be given in return no matter what. I simply chose you, Harper."

"I can't be a Goddess," she fisted her hands, ignoring the sharp sting of her claws digging into her palms. "I'm nothing like one! I'm barely a princess."

"It's true that your mortal body holds you back," he put up his palms, stepping closer, "but it doesn't mean that you're not my Persephone. By being here your power will resurface_"

Harper finally snapped. Her claws shredded the material of his shirt and blood trickled out of the wounds. "I am not Persephone! I am not your lost love, damn it. I'm my own person," she gasped for breath.

"Do you realise how selfish that is? Holding that expectation above a babies head? My head? That I'm going to become something I'm not just because you think you brought your loved one back? I'm sorry about her death, truly. But I'm not like her. I am not the same person."

"You have her soul," Hades dropped his arms. "You have her fire. Her heart," he stepped closer and closer until they were centimetres apart. "You're right that it wasn't fair on you and I can see why that would make you angry. And yes, you will never be fully Persephone. You have your own personality and quirks. But this," his palm rested where her heart thudded wildly against her ribs, "this is one and the same. Your soul recognises my own, Harper. But you already know that."

"I don't," her words were firm but there was a familiar shake to her voice that let her know just how much she was lying to herself.

"You do," Hades' eyes narrowed. He lifted her chin up so her eyes met his. "The moment you see me you're body floods with adrenaline, the wolf inside of you recognising the sacred link between us. In your dreams your soul calls to my own, yearning for what we had before. And your body," his lips grazed the side of her face, barely touching, like a whisper against her nerves, "your body aches for mine. I meant what I said, buttercup. I can still taste you on my tongue and feel you come against me."

He tucked a strand of her raven hair behind an ear; she grabbed onto his wrist before he could unravel her further, a deep fire burning within her core. Her wolf paced within her, pushing against her bodies restraints, urging her for her to let her out.

"Even if that were true you're not a wolf like I am. Perhaps you overlooked that fact when you concocted your plan."

An all too familiar smirk rose on his lips. "Oh I haven't forgotten, Princess. makes it all the more exciting."

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