Prologue; starlight visitor

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*Warning* Mature content ahead.

Two Years Prior

Moonlight peeked through the billowing white curtains. It cast a halo of pale blue light around the girls body, accentuating her toned, caramel stomach and limbs. Raven black hair fanned over a pastel yellow pillow, some strands resting against the girls contoured cheekbones, obscuring the dusting of freckles that covered her nose like constellations.

Her lips formed a pout, her mouth a shade of rosy pink, bruised as if from a passionate kiss. The girl let out a low moan, shifting beneath the thin duvet covers. They slid off one long leg, exposing her painted white toes. She was dreaming of a man with hair darker than her own and a smirk that ignited the fire in her core. 

The image shifted as the breeze picked up. His pale sea green eyes saddened, darkening with a sobering emotion that halted her breath. They were such a contrast to her own black eyes, so dark that they were almost frightening, were it not for her soft and lovely features.

She moaned again, her thighs rubbing together, desperate. Her slight whimpers were like a drug to the man from her dreams. They lured him with a snare, trapping him in their sultry embrace. 

The girl did not notice his appearance at first. The shadows blended around him, stroking his ivory skin, obscuring him into the wall. She was a sight to behold, with her toned long legs and full breasts that ended in dark peaks. 

He shouldn't be there, he knew. Nineteen years had passed since he had last stepped foot into this world, and yet there he was, two years before he should have been. It was as if his turmoil-ed thoughts stirred the lumbering beauty awake. 

Her black eyes were lined with thick dark eyelashes, long and curled effortlessly. Her face contorted into a frown of confusion as the moonlight bounced off the mans shadows. He stepped out, his white shirt only buttoned half way in a haste, and his black trousers clinging to his muscled legs.

The girls lips parted, a rosy blush staining her cheeks. He should have left that moment, knowing that it was not time and not part of his and the Queen's agreement. But the needing moan that escaped the small creature left him standing breathlessly, his cock straining against the inside of his pants.

Wetness glistened the inside of her thighs. He caught the smell of her strong arousal. It was musky, with a hint of apricots and roses. The man's eyes darkened; it was her heat that had called to him. The girl was his through a magical contract, bound to him for all eternity. Her soul had sought him out, eager to be relinquished of it's pained arousal.

He really shouldn't be there, yet by leaving he would risk leaving her in pain, defenceless against any beast who smelt her arousal. Just like he had.

The balcony doors shut with a flick of his wrist. The air shimmered with the moons glow as he stepped towards the bed. He breathed through his mouth, unwilling to be tempted more than he should. He'd take care of her. He would ensure that her heat was sated, for now at least, and then he would leave, ensuring to leave a note for the Queen to better protect her daughter.

Her skin was smooth and hot beneath his hands. They dwarfed her legs in comparison, and that knowledge only thickened the length of his cock. He held back a groan when she let out a whimper. The sheets beneath her were stained with her juices, sticking to the skin of her bum. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself within her heat. It would be soft and tight against his member, like a glove made just for him.

It wasn't the time.

He licked his lips, stifling his own groan. "Can I taste you?" His words were a quiet caress in the dark.

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