Chapter 8; bleeding walls

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"Harper," Cerberus fleeting touch on her elbow halted her movement. When she met his gaze, he hesitated. "Don't be too harsh on him, ok? I don't agree with what he's done but he did it out of grief."

She narrowed her eyes, "or for his own selfish gain," she muttered grimly.

"You don't believe that," his grip tightened. "As wolves you have mates, no?"

Harper hesitated before nodding.

"Well this is like that. Soul bonds between divine beings take longer to form which is why you're not seeing this, but Hades had thousands of years to fall in love with you. He has all of those memories, even if they were of another person. Your soul is Persephone's. Believe it or not he's already holding himself back, to give you time. Just," he paused, "just give him the benefit of the doubt, alright?"

At that moment, everything within her wanted to scream and protest. None of this was fair and a part of her would likely always be angry about that. But then she thought back to the stories her papa would tell; of how her mother had hated him at first, how long it took for them to be together. There was regret there, she knew. Neither of her parents ever said so but it was obvious from the way her mama would occasionally stare into nothing, a sad frown marring her face.

Harper took a calming breath. She had always been the forgiving type. When Blake stole her sweets and pulled her braids she'd forgive him in a heartbeat. When her papa told her of the bargain they made with an unruly God she accepted it without blame. The only thing she had left with her from home was herself. She wasn't going to start being a different person, no matter how much a certain God pissed her off.

"Fine, Gods," she muttered after several long minutes of silence. Harper pushed her hair out of her face, "but I'm not doing this for you or him."

Cerberus stepped back, a small grin tugging at his mouth. "Of course, princess." He mock bowed, though without malice. "He's through there."

She stepped towards the large ornate doors with a sudden nervous flutter in her belly. She hadn't been in this part of castle before so she assumed this was Hades' private wing. The air was permeated with his scent and her wolf prowled beneath her skin at the knowledge. 

Harper knocked. After several moments there was no reply. She glanced back to check for Cerberus' reaction but he was gone. With a frown she shook her head. Should she just enter? It would be kind of rude on her part and she certainly wouldn't want to walk in on him naked, or anything.

She debated turning back with her tail between her legs, but then she pictured her mama's admonishment at the cowardice and steeled her spine. She would forgive and she would act like the mature woman she was and not like an angry teenager.

Harper knocked for a second time. Yet still, there was no reply. With a snarl of annoyance, she opened the door and it swung open with ease. Her ears strained for a sign of where Hades could be, and the delicate sound of a piano drew her into an expansive chamber. 

Her eyes greedily took in the sight of a large four poster bed, the black marble floor and grey painted walls. The room was accented with silver and gold; it was entirely what she'd imagine Hades' room to look like. The man in question was seated in front of a sleek grand piano. he wore his usual black suit with the top three buttons of his shirt opened. 

The feeling that she was intruding rose up within her. He didn't look like someone who was thousands of years old, like a God with an entire realm to rule over. He looked like someone a few years older than herself. And he seemed sad. 

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