Author's Note

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Hey ho my starlight's! How is everyone doing?

I'm sure many of you are aware that this is the *sequel* to 'The Curse of An Alpha.' Whilst this does not follow the characters perspectives from that book, it will mention events and information that will *not* make sense if you haven't read it. You don't *need* to have read 'The Curse of An Alpha' but I will encourage you to do so, that way you can understand the situation and events in this book. But hey, you do you, boo. I thank you for reading either way.

Now, just my usual disclaimers ;)

1) This is a work of pure fiction. I'm not copying anyone, or basing this of any real life event. This comes entirely from my head which brings the question of what the hell is wrong with me? No, seriously, nothing in here is real. A character's beliefs and behaviours do not necessarily reflect my own.

2) The work is my own which means that I will *not* take kindly to anyone attempting to plagiarise. If you notice someone has work that is directly copied from here, or very similar, please let me know. I put my heart and soul into my writing and I do not experience mental break downs doing this to simply have all this handwork taken for advantage by some lazy ass willy nilly.

3) This work *will* contain sex, shakalaka ding dong, hitting the hay, grinding and binding, whatever you want to call it. If you're under the legal age of consent wherever you are, or under the age of 18, then you are reading this at your own risk. I am *warning* you that the content in this book will be a lot darker than the content in the first one. There will be mention of spanking, dominance and submission, BDSM and the like. If it's not your thing then don't read it.

4) I feel like I need to write this one due to the complaints I had on the previous work. Ya'll...I write characters that are seriously flawed and don't start off all sunshine and rainbows. I write relationships which are not perfect but realistic, where arguments happen and things don't always start as 'love at first sight.' If you are expecting anything else then this book is not for you. There will be no cheating here, though so...

Anyway, that is that. Hope you enjoy this wild ride.

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