Chapter 2; sea-green eyes and a jealous smile

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Hi *waves tentatively* long time no see :) Long story short I found out that my mum has tumours in her breasts and my old laptop started to overheat, making it impossible to write without either burning my fingers or it lagging, so I had to wait to buy a new one. I am currently writing this on my new MacBook Air (first time apple user lol.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this. 

PS excuse any errors, I'm still getting used to my Mac (I only got it today.)

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"Mother of sugar titties, are you alright?" Blake peered down at her, eyebrows furrowed.

Harper frowned, still reeling from the tantalising whisper of Hades' voice and the faint touch of his fingertips against her cheek. Had she imagined it all? Stars swarmed in front of her eyes as she sat up, accepting Blake's hand. A tender lump had grown at the back of her head, and her shoulder blade ached from where she had landed on a stick.

Ignoring her turmoiled thoughts, she wiped away the grass on her jeans, unable to meet her best friends gaze. "Did you really just use the phrase 'sugar titties'? Like really?"

Red stained his cheeks. "Not the point," he protested, "I thought you were having a seizure. I wasn't going to prioritise articulating my words over making sure you weren't going to die on me. I adore you, Harp, but not enough to land myself under your father's paw." 

Blake's teasing tone eased her anxiety. Harper scoffed, a smile unfurling on her lips, "please, he wouldn't waste his time ending your miserable existence. He'd have my mother do it."

His face paled, "you're right," he paused, eyes widening, "that's even worse."

Harper shrugged, "well, it'd serve you right wouldn't it?"

A scowl bloomed on his face, "ha ha, yes, why don't you just poke fun at my terrible misfortune." 

Harper's smile died down as the weight of what just had happened pressed down on her. For a long time, she had wondered whether Blake was her mate. The love that she felt for him...well, she didn't think she could feel it for someone that wasn't. But her animal's reaction had scared her, the idea of being her friends mate suddenly distinguished and unlikely.

Anger clouded her vision at the memory of Hades' face. It was unfair that she had to pay the price of her mother's bargain. She hadn't even been born yet, and her life had already been decided for her. And now she wouldn't even be able to choose whom she wanted to love. Tears pickled the back of her eyes, threatening to spill over if she didn't get a grip of herself.

She stood with a shaky breath, laughing nervously at Blake's inquiring look. 

"It's late," Harper mumbled, picking up the empty paper bags their pastries had been in. "I need to get back."

Blake's hand wrapped around her wrist, concern once again marring his features. The heat of his touch sent a flame to her chest, igniting the butterflies within her belly. "Ok?"

Harper's defences lowered. Her eyelashes fanned her cheekbones as she gazed down at his hand on her. There was so much that she wanted to do and say and yet... She cleared her throat, letting an easy smile grow on her face, disguising the sadness that wanted to spill out. 

"Ok," her cheeks tightened with the falsehood of her smile. It would have to be Ok, and she would have to act like it was until the very end. There was no reason to make anyone else suffer. It was her duty as the princess. Her mother had paid her dues and now it was her turn. But when would it stop?

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