Chapter 5; a game of truth and secrets

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In the past two months I've bought 80+ books and I'm not okay lol. Stressed and depressed but what else is knew? Anyway, enjoy lmao. Ps please read the note at the end. Pps this chapter needs more editing but I wanted to get it out asap.

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A force slammed into her, locking her limbs and muscles in place; vines slithered across the forest floor, wrapping around her paws and limb.

"Tut tut," Hades smiled with a shake of his head, "you ought to know better than that, Harper. Neither you or I can harm the other."

Hades stepped closer, deliberately slow as if to taunt her. Harper bared her fangs, hackles raised and the fur on her spine upright. No animal liked being trapped, certainly not be something they couldn't beat.

"Besides, this is my Kingdom and it works to serve and protect me." He cocked his head, "word of advice, my little fiery fur ball, you don't wish to anger the magic here. It is unlike the one you know. Now come. Shift."

Harper shook her head, ears now flat against her skull. 

He sighed, "don't make me force you, darling. I don't wish to enforce my will."

When he saw that she was not anymore inclined, he shrugged. 

"Very well. Shift."

The command tore through her, attacking the mental shields that separated the human from the wolf. Harper mentally pushed back, snarling, throwing herself against the invisible hand, a Gods will that urged the animal to recede.

It felt like a lifetime, though it was only a few seconds, before her wolf succumbed, whimpering and shaking, to the far corners of her mind.

Harper shook, her elbows trembling as she barely held herself up, fingernails, human now, digging into the soil. She felt...wrong. violated in a way that only spoke of a magic far bigger and more powerful than a human could comprehend. Except, she wasn't human, and she had a feeling that it was the only reason why Hades' ministrations hadn't killed her.

"You're naked," Hades remarked, almost in disbelief.

She paused, swallowing the nausea pushing up her throat and glared. "No shit Sherlock. Why do you think I didn't want to shift in front you?" Harper snarled, or at least attempted to, but her wolf was too far in her mind. It only angered her further. Bastard. His magic had beaten her wolf as if she were a pup.

"But...your clothes." It was as if someone had thrown a bucket of cold water of him. "Why aren't you wearing them?" 

Harper realised that he was holding out his jacket towards her. A part of her wanted to shred it to pieces, but another part, the human and very naked part, was far too cold to protest. She shrugged it on, the material dangling down to her knees and smelling thickly of woodsy smoke and musk.

"We don't shift in our clothes, Einstein. They'd just tear through the transformation." She buttoned the jacket with quick efficiency and when she was done, she shook out her now tangled hair and draped it behind her shoulders. "I'm decent, by the way. No thanks to you, might I add."

"No thanks to me?" Hades spun round. "It's my jacket you're wearing!"

"Yes, and?" Harper arched an eyebrow. A thrill shot through her as his nostrils flared. It was fool hearted to anger him, to defy him so openly, and yet...she couldn't help but be excited at the prospect. He was one of the few people that hadn't treated her like a princess, a saviour to the wolves and lycans alike. And that, the prospect of being treated like an ordinary wolf, no titles included, enthralled her.

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