Chapter 6; secrets and truths

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An update so soon? Who is she? :P In all seriousness I've been really excited to get the story going. This chapter took me a few hours to write but I'd been thinking about it for months. And I'd just like to remind everyone that this is still a 1st draft so if there are any inconsistencies, mistakes etc it's because of that. I'd be grateful if you could point them out whenever you see them. 

Anyway, enjoy x

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Harper didn't let herself feel mortified until she was safe and sound in her room, escorted by a passing servant whom she had asked for directions.

The fact that Hades had openly admitted to what they had done on the night of her heat made her stomach knot with nerves. She scrubbed her face, groaning into her hands. How could she have been so stupid to have baited him? She scoffed at the thought. 

There was no denying that there was a lot that she just didn't know. Whether or not she ever would was something that wasn't worth thinking about. After all, what is there that she could do? Force a God to tell her the truth? Harper snorted. Unlikely. 

"Satan's balls," Harper slumped on the large four poster bed, "idiot, idiot, idiot."

A throat cleared, interrupting her inner dialogue of self mockery.

"Is this not a good time?" Cerberus mused. "If it isn't then, well, I couldn't care less because his Godliness has requested your presence for dinner."

Harper yelped, suddenly all too aware of the fact that she was still dressed in only Hades' jacket. Granted, as a shifter modesty was not that much of a concern for her, but that was among pack where they all were naked together at least once a month. Here though, well, she was rather under dressed.

She scowled, "he can shove that invitation where the sun doesn't shine."

Cerberus sighed, placing his hands behind his back. "I'm not sure what I have done to deserve being stuck baby sitting you, truly, but I'm afraid that this is non-negotiable. I have the authority, if necessary, to escort you to dinner no matter what state you're in, whether you want to or not. So please, for all our sakes, put some clothes on so we can get going. I do have a job, you know."

Harper couldn't help but arch an eyebrow once Cerberus finished his speech. Judging by the two red splotches on his cheeks, he was obviously miffed about being Hades' lap dog. Even if it was a three headed one. Besides, surely he wouldn't actually make her go to dinner practically naked? 

"No," she glared.  "I rather not."

"His majesty feels really awful about causing the escape of your, uh, dinner, so if you could just get a move on that would be lovely." Cerberus glared back.

She lifted up her chin, crossing her arms with a scowl on her face to which her mother would truly have been proud off. "Make me."

* * *

Ten minutes later it turned out that, unlike her mother, Harper was not all that good at rebelling. And given the fact that she sat opposite Hades with nothing but his jacket, she was also not a good judge of how serious a threat something was.

Of course, she should have seen this one coming. What made her think that Hades had any decency was beyond her. He was a God with different morals to her own, and he was, well, Hades. He was the epitome of every villain in every fairytale, having taken a Queen's first born child and all. It was laughable, really. Her life had become a tragic retelling of a fairytale. Except it was all real. Unfortunately. 

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